I’m Going to ISTE!

I’m Going to ISTE!

Attending an ISTE conference is something that is on my bucket-list but it was not practical for me when I was in the classroom. When I moved into my new position, however, I knew that I was one-step closer to making this goal a reality. In the spring of 2020 I applied for a scholarship to attend the 2020 ISTE conference scheduled to be held in Anaheim. Of course, with the Covid-19 pandemic, the plan for what ISTE looked like in 2020 changed a few times. Despite the conference now being held in a virtual venue, I was still so excited when I found out that I had received a scholarship to attend!

One thing that I’ve written about before on the blog is that I am often facilitating presentations during our divisional/provincial professional development (PD) days and, as such, I do not have as much opportunity to take in my own PD during the school year. So naturally, when I received this scholarship I was so excited to take in as much as I could and started dividing up sessions into three categories:

  • sessions that spark my personal interest
  • sessions that support our divisional goals
  • sessions that support individual school or staff goals

While a virtual ISTE means that I don’t get the travel component of the experience, I get WAY more out of the educational experience. The virtual venue will be recording particular sessions to be available in a video-on-demand format for the next six months, which means I can take in numerous sessions and get more out of this scholarship. With this in mind, I developed a personal 24-week schedule which will allow me to take in over 118 sessions aligned to support the categories listed above.

You can check out my full plan HERE.

As I make my way through my professional growth plan I will be creating weekly summaries of my learning here on the blog and using the ISTE and #ISTE20 tags to compile my posts.

Happy learning!

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