Follow Friday – Monica Burns

Follow Friday – Monica Burns

On Fridays, I share what I believe to be a notable person/organization/school on our social media pages to assist our staff in the development of their online Personal Learning Network

Dr. Monica Burns is a newer member of my Professional Learning Network (PLN) over the past 2 years as they caught my eye as I explored the topic of AI. They are a former classroom teacher, author, international speaker, and general ed tech extraordinaire! On their website, they share that their network is designed with the following audience:

You are a teacher who isn’t sure how to make the most of technology in your classroom or you are an instructional coach looking for ideas to share with your colleagues

You feel overwhelmed with all of the different apps, websites, and EdTech tools and need help figuring out which ones are worth bringing into your classroom

You lead a school, district, or organization and are looking for EdTech professional development to help the educators you work with use technology with intention

To get a sense of Dr. Burns’ work, check out a recent episode of their podcast below:

Follow along with Dr. Burns and Class Tech Tips

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