Maintaining Tech Routines

Maintaining Tech Routines

As we start a new week Manitobans are in the midst of the third-wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. At the time of writing we have seen schools in multiple communities move to remote learning due to outbreaks and the inability to provide staffing due to isolation requirements. While MVSD has been fortunate to have experienced low levels of cases (13 total cases during the 20/21 school year so far) we are cognizant of the fact that this can change at any time.

ed tech quote, do you students/families know: their login information, how to navigate the platform, where to find assistance
Ed Tech Quote. (2021). Uploaded by Kirsten Thompson. Available online at:

With the vast majority of our students attending face-to-face classes everyday, some of our familiarity with our digital LMS options may have lapsed. In an effort to remain prepared, I advocate for the regular integration of these LMS options (even when your students are face-to-face with you).

Depending on the grade, you can have an open discussion about why you are practicing these skills. It is important to be aware of your students’ emotional state and frame the conversation in a way that best meets their needs. For example, “We are going to practice Teams logins today as we might move into remote learning tomorrow”, can be incredibly worrisome for students. Read the room and build in opportunities to utilize these platforms in a way that reflects the emotional environment of your room.

Some examples might include:

  • placing your daily agenda in the LMS and have it projected so you can review navigating the platform to find information
  • submitting an assignment digitally in your LMS rather than via hard-copy
  • have students leave a digital exit ticket at the end of an activity so they know how to communicate in the platform

It is important to also be aware of your learners who do not have technology options outside of your building. It may be worth touching base with families again to see if their connectivity/access has changed since your last conversation; do not assume that their situation is still the same. Hard-copy programming would need to be provided for all students who require it.

While we hope that we are able to offer safe programming face-to-face for the remainder of the school year, these routines can help ensure a smooth transition if our situation were to change. Stay safe!

I'd love to hear your thoughts; please leave a comment!

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