Every Tuesday I share a Tech Tip on our social media pages to assist our staff in their use of technology as it relates to their role. If you are anything like me then you usually have A LOT of tabs on the go at any time. If you want to show off a tab to someone else, without the clutter of your other projects, this tip is for you! I have embedded a tutorial hosted via TikTok demonstrating exactly how to do this. Clutter aside, this tip is especially important if you want to work towards maintaining the privacy and security… Read More
Which Version Are You?
Every Monday I share a different ed tech quote on our Thompson Classroom social media pages for our staff to consider. I stumbled across this quote being shared across Twitter last week and it resonated with me as I have the unique opportunity to get and inside look into the variety of classrooms across MVSD. Through our 16 buildings, the role technology plays in student programming varies drastically and is influenced by: device availability and connectivity options the culture of the school and broader community / student interests teacher familiarity and comfort with tech integration student grade and subject area and many… Read More
Follow Friday – Ochre River School 2.0
Every Friday I share what I believe to be a notable person/organization/school on our social media pages (linked at the top of the blog) to assist our staff in the development of their online Personal Learning Network. Ochre River School has been active on social media for many years but has recently given their online presence a refresh with a new Facebook page. Their new page, Ochre River School 2.0, is being used to highlight school events like: field trips extracurricular activities school updates examples of student programming (formally public) productions like Remembrance Day services, Christmas concerts, etc Ochre River… Read More
PD on the Potty
Near the end of 2019 I implemented the idea of PD on the Potty following a podcast from Kasey Bell. This alternative method of professional development sees the inclusion of fliers placed in staff washroom facilities. Depending on the month these may include: divisional tech reminders upcoming PD opportunities tips & tricks program reviews social media recommendations and more! Not only do these fliers allow you to have a captive audience but they can provide a bridge for staff members who have technology as a barrier in their practice [for these individuals, emails, social media posts, digital resources, etc are inaccessible]. Here… Read More
Safer Internet Day 2022
Every Tuesday I share a Tech Tip on our social media pages to assist our staff in their use of technology as it relates to their role. Safer Internet Informational Graphics. (2022). Uploaded by Safer Internet Org. Available online at: https://www.saferinternetday.org/home Originating in the UK, Safer Internet Day is now celebrating it’s 19th year in countries around the world. The following description is provided direct from their website: “With a slogan of “Together for a better internet”, Safer Internet Day is a call to action for every stakeholder to contribute to a safer and better internet, especially for its youngest users. The past year… Read More
Youth Exposure to Prejudice Online
Every Monday I share a different ed tech quote on our Thompson Classroom social media pages for our staff to consider. This week I wanted to focus on a statistic as we prep for conversations tomorrow surrounding Safer Internet Day. This year’s Safer Internet Day theme focuses on how to do your part to contribute to a “better internet” for everyone. One component of a positive internet experience is digital citizenship and one’s ability to conduct their behaviour and interactions in a manner that is respectful and conducive to a positive experience for all involved. This includes both what you say and… Read More
Archiving Old MS Teams
Monday, February 7th will mark the start of second semester here in Manitoba and today sees all of our students at home while staff engage in a variety of administrative and professional development tasks. As we transition into this new calendar cycle it is a perfect opportunity to clean up your digital files, including our learning management system (LMS): Teams. All of our staff, K-12, use Teams in some capacity whether it is for: student programming virtual/remote programming hybrid programming professional development across the division administrative meetings extracurricular organization parent-teacher conferences etc This means that our staff’s Teams interface can… Read More
Follow Friday – Rodd Lucier
Every Friday I share what I believe to be a notable person/organization/school on our social media pages (linked at the top of the blog) to assist our staff in the development of their online Personal Learning Network. Rodd is new to my PLN as I was only recently introduced to his work after being announced as a Spotlight Speaker for the upcoming May 2022 Riding the Wave Conference. His website bio includes: “As a teacher; learner; consultant; speaker; and collaborator, I’m on the lookout for opportunities to engage in meaningful conversations with others who see themselves as learners. Professional development; project… Read More
*This post has been written as part of my journey as a Ph.D student through University of Regina As you embark on your journey to understand postructuralism and the implications it has on education it must be understood that this paper, and any piece of work on the subject, operates on multiple planes that cannot and will not arrive at any objective or final meaning. Paul (2005) goes as far as stating that, “there is no poststructuralism”. While this particular work strives to align with a set criterion of expectations outlined by the institution, poststructuralists like Deleuze and Guattari reject,… Read More
#TechTipTuesday – Split Screen in Windows
Every Tuesday I share a Tech Tip on our social media pages to assist our staff in their use of technology as it relates to their role. Today’s weather system sees all division facilities in MVSD closed to both staff and students. While classes are cancelled, staff are reporting from home. If you’re anything like me, that means I am missing my secondary screen! Today’s tip highlights a quick and easy keyboard shortcut to split your screen to allow users to view multiple projects simultaneously. Check out a quick tutorial from Microsoft Edu guru, Mike Tholfsen, on TikTok: