Every Monday I share a different ed tech quote on our Thompson Classroom social media pages for our staff to consider. Next week, April 8-16, plays host to National Robotics Week or “Robo Week”. This event is self-decribed as: “The mission of National Robotics Week (RoboWeek) is simple — to inspire students in robotics and STEM-related fields and to share the excitement of robotics with audiences of all ages.“ A promotional video for the 2022 event is embedded below: To help prepare staff for this event I am spending the whole week sharing robotics tips, tricks, and highlights to help ensure they… Read More
April ICT Newsletter
With the start of a new month comes a new monthly ICT newsletter. These newsletters are designed to serve as an outreach to all MVSD staff and provide: general ICT updates (software changes, divisional ICT timelines, tech-themed holidays) upcoming PD for the month tech tips divisional highlights These newsletters are sent out to staff via our divisional email but are also shared out through our social media pages and divisional website. April 2023 ICT Newsletter by Kirsten Cali
Teach and Learn in a Digital World 2023
I’m kicking off my Spring Break with a roadtrip to Regina to take in the Teach & Learn in a Digital World Conference! Hosted by the University of Regina Faculty of Education, this 3-day hybrid event is designed to, “equip you with the knowledge, skills and confidence to implement digital skills in your classroom.” I am attending as both a participant and presenter and want to extend my thanks to Dr. Ehsan Akbari for asking me to join! The following post is a summary of my experiences: Masters of Makerspaces: Perspectives from Teachers in the Field “Join us for a… Read More
Follow Friday – Riding the Wave Conference
Every Friday I share what I believe to be a notable person/organization/school on our social media pages to assist our staff in the development of their online Personal Learning Network. As we head into Spring Break I want to make sure that Riding the Wave is on your radar because it is a FANTASTIC learning and networking event and a great way to build your ed tech goals in alignment with your plans for the upcoming year. Situated in beautiful Gimli, Manitoba the 2023 theme is focused on, “unleashing your creative potential”, and will feature keynote David Usher who will be… Read More
The Role of Chat GPT in Education – An AI Generated Unaffiliated TED-Style Talk
As I prepped for our discussion on AI with the Manitoba School Libraries Association yesterday I started to curate further resources to support learning in this area. As I put together articles, ebooks, podcasts, and more I was curious to see if there was any current TED talks on the subject. After not finding anything published on YouTube within the past 3 months I began scrolling the TED website to see if there were any TED or TEDx talks close, thinking I could jump in and potentially do one. While there are many options, none were close. I then began… Read More
The Role of ChatGPT and AI Tools in the Modern Classroom
This evening I will be working alongside the Manitoba School Libraries Association (MSLA) in a panel discussion on ChatGPT and AI. The panel will include Barry Dyck, Sean Giesbrecht, Samantha Adamson, and MSLA facilitator Brandy Bartok. As a way to tie the event and AI together, MSLA event-planners utilized ChatGPT to write the event description! Discover the benefits and challenges of using ChatGPT and other AI tools in the classroom, including how they can enhance student engagement, facilitate personalized learning, and address challenges such as differentiated instruction and virtual learning. Our panel will share their insights on strategies for mitigating… Read More
#TechTipTuesday – Out of Office
Every Tuesday I share a Tech Tip on our social media pages to assist our staff in their use of technology as it relates to their role. Spring is officially here, despite having temperatures in the -30C range this week! As we wrap up the third week of March I know that students, and teachers, have their eyes toward Spring Break. However, teacher’s tend to have their, “teacher-brain”, on all the time and sometimes have challenges stepping back and finding time for themselves. Trust me, you will be a better teacher if you take the break for yourself. Relax, recharge, and engage… Read More
Follow Friday – EverFi
Every Friday I share what I believe to be a notable person/organization/school on our social media pages to assist our staff in the development of their online Personal Learning Network. EverFi has been a FREE digital resource that I have utilized throughout my education career after hearing about them at a ManACE event in 2014. If you are new to their programming I suggest starting at their K-12 introductory webpage. A “How It Works” video is also embedded below from their YouTube page: EverFi offers multiple digital courses across a variety of subjects but my go-to courses for the area of… Read More
WOW Wednesday – Jodi Campbell & Yvette Bailes
On Wednesdays I highlight some of our amazing MVSD staff on our social media pages. Everyday our staff are using tech in new and exciting ways, are learning new skills, and are sharing ways in which ed tech is assisting them in their practice. At the start of February I put out a call for staff who were interested in participating in the spring coaching cycle. MVSD schools can sign up to participate in spring coaching cycles to empower students and teachers in their use of educational technology to support programming. Cycles can focus on educator training, student sessions and/or community outreach.… Read More
#TechTipTuesday – PowerSchool Portal
Every Tuesday I share a Tech Tip on our social media pages to assist our staff in their use of technology as it relates to their role. Here in Manitoba we are moving towards spring assessments for our K-8 educators and learners. Component A.3 of our divisional Student Assessment Procedure indicates that: All members of the learning community, students, educators and parents must be actively engaged in assessment, in order to develop a common understanding of the classroom assessment and evaluation process. MVSD Student Assessment Procedure, Section B, Part A.3 One tool that can be used to increase assessment engagement is through the parent/student… Read More