National Robotics Week ’23

National Robotics Week ’23

Every Monday I share a different ed tech quote on our Thompson Classroom social media pages for our staff to consider. 

National robotics week, robotics is not just about building machines, it's about building minds
Ed Tech Quote. (2023). Uploaded by Kirsten Thompson. Available online at:

Next week, April 8-16, plays host to National Robotics Week or “Robo Week”. This event is self-decribed as:

The mission of National Robotics Week (RoboWeek) is simple — to inspire students in robotics and STEM-related fields and to share the excitement of robotics with audiences of all ages.

A promotional video for the 2022 event is embedded below:

To help prepare staff for this event I am spending the whole week sharing robotics tips, tricks, and highlights to help ensure they are “Robo-Ready”! If the field of robotics, especially its integration into the classroom, is new to you then you should know that robotics is an innovative technology that teaches students the necessary skills to design, build, and program robots. I was fortunate enough to sit in on multiple robotics-themed sessions at the recent Teach and Learn conference and I can say, based on my hands-on experience, that robotics can help students to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork skills.

Critical Thinking

By designing and building robots, students are required to think critically and logically to solve problems. They must understand the mechanics of the robot and the programming language to make it work effectively. This type of thinking is valuable in many aspects of life, as it can help students to analyze situations and come up with solutions.

Problem Solving

In robotics, students face many challenges that require them to think creatively to solve problems. They must use their problem-solving skills to fix the robot when it malfunctions or troubleshoot any programming issues. These skills are valuable in the workplace and in daily life, as individuals must be able to identify and solve problems.


In robotics, students must work together in groups to design, build, and program the robot. They must collaborate and communicate effectively to ensure that the robot is functioning properly. Teamwork is a vital skill in the workplace, as many jobs require individuals to work together to achieve a common goal.

Another benefit of robotics is that it encourages students to pursue careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields. By engaging in robotics, students can explore their interest in STEM and gain experience in these areas. This experience can inspire them to pursue careers in these fields, which are in high demand in today’s job market.

Lastly, robotics is a really fun and engaging way to learn! Students enjoy building and programming robots, which can make learning more enjoyable and memorable. It can also be a great way to engage students who may not be interested in traditional classroom learning.

Stay tuned through the week for more posts to guide your National Robotics Week planning!

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