Follow Friday – Matt Miller

Follow Friday – Matt Miller

On Fridays, I share what I believe to be a notable person/organization/school on our social media pages to assist our staff in the development of their online Personal Learning Network.

Follow Friday – Matt Miller. (2024). Uploaded by Kirsten Thompson. Available online at:

When I sat down to write this post I was genuinely shocked that Matt has not yet appeared on the blog as I feel that I have been connected with them online and using their resources FOREVER. I have shared links to some of their resources but it has only been in passing. Regardless, I would like to officially highlight Matt Miller on the blog today for Follow Friday!

Matt is a classroom teacher and tech leader from Indiana who has written multiple books sharing practical “use tomorrow” ideas for educators. I can’t remember exactly when I began following Matt’s work online but it was when I was still in the classroom myself, so pre-2018. Matt uses their social media platforms to encourage reflection, share tech tutorials, review new softwares/hardwares, and much more. I have always found their content to be helpful and have, most recently, been using their AI resources during my own AI-staff coaching cycles.

To get a sense of Matt’s work, check out the YouTube playlist below showcasing some of their teaching ideas for educators:

Follow Matt Online

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