WOW Wednesday – Patti Goodine & Dave Byckal

WOW Wednesday – Patti Goodine & Dave Byckal

On Wednesdays, I highlight some of our amazing MVSD staff on our social media pages. Every day our staff are using tech in new and exciting ways, are learning new skills, and are sharing ways in which ed tech is assisting them in their practice.

WOW Wednesday – Patti Goodine & Dave Byckal. (2023). Uploaded by Kirsten Thompson. Available online at:

This week I had the opportunity to visit the Grade 9 & 10 classes of Patti Goodine and Dave Byckal at the Dauphin Regional Comprehensive Secondary School. We spent an entire afternoon together discussing artificial intelligence and learning how it may be used in both the classroom and personal settings. This student-focused visit was a follow-up to the PD I had completed with staff earlier in the year.

Our afternoon was divided into segments where we discussed:

  • what is AI and how does it work
  • what can AI do well
  • what are the limitations of AI
  • what is intellectual property and how does that fit into the use of AI
  • what do we need to know about privacy and security
  • what are some AI tools we can try
  • how can we do effective prompt engineering for the classroom

Based on student interest, the image utilized in the graphic above (a banana pterodactyl) was made using Bing AI.

This was such a fun day and I am thankful to both Patti and Dave for being proactive in their approach to new technologies. I’m looking forward to seeing how it is used moving forward.

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