Follow Friday – #MTSPDDay

Follow Friday – #MTSPDDay

On Fridays I share what I believe to be a notable person/organization/school on our social media pages to assist our staff in the development of their online Personal Learning Network.

Follow Friday – MTS PD Day. (2022). Uploaded by Kirsten Thompson. Available online at:

This week, as I do every year at this time, I’d like to bring recognition to the #MTSPDDay hashtag!

As educators take part in various professional development sessions across the province, many of them are choosing to share their learning via social media and tagging their posts using the hashtag #MTSPDDay. By following along with this hashtag on your platform of choice you are able to document your own learning, grow your PLN, and take in content from sessions you were unable to attend!


I am spending my #MTSPDDay with the MB Council of School Leaders (COSL) as part of a four-person slate alongside Sean Carleton, Steve Munby and Cindy Blackstock. I am incredibly honoured to share space with these talented individuals and am looking forward to hearing their words and learning with a group of over 500 leaders across the province and beyond. My session is aligned with my current work in the field of AI,

Unlocking the Power of Chat GPT in Education: Enhancing Learning and Engagement
In recent years, the field of education has been transformed by the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies. Chat GPT, a cutting-edge language model developed by OpenAI, has revolutionized the way we interact with machines, and is poised to make a significant impact on the education landscape.
In this keynote session, we will explore the potential of Chat GPT in education, and how it can be used to enhance learning and engagement. We will also discuss the potential challenges and ethical considerations associated with using Chat GPT in education, and how to address them.
Whether you’re a teacher, principal, or technology enthusiast, this keynote session will provide valuable insights into the potential of Chat GPT in education, and how it can be used to enhance learning and engagement.

Join us to unlock the power of Chat GPT in education!

session description wrote by Chat GPT

Did you participate in #MTSPDDay? If so, what session(s)?

Did you use social media to share about it?

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