Time to Recharge

Time to Recharge

On Mondays I share a different ed tech quote on our Thompson Classroom social media pages for our staff to consider. 

Ed Tech Quote. (2023). Uploaded by Kirsten Thompson. Available online at: www.fishbowlteaching.co

Guess what!? Today is the LAST Monday of the 2022/23 school year!

This time of year is always chaotic for those in education but this year feels especially heavy. For one, our students are in school full time until the end of the day on Friday, June 30th with no dedicated “admin day” to close out the year. This was in response to calendar changes made around September 30th and Christmas scheduling. Our community has also been in a state of mourning since March as the spring and early summer has seen the unexpected deaths of staff members, a fatal accident involving multiple students, and a mass fatality that saw the deaths of 15 community members. The busy nature of this time of year, compounded with the emotional capacity of the community, has resulted in a muted tone for many in our network.

Now, more than ever, it is important to reflect and take time to “recharge”. For many of us, summer holidays involves taking time away from work during July-August to pursue personal endeavours. For others, this is a time for them to pursue ongoing education in areas that are of interest. However, I feel the vast majority falls somewhere in the middle.

Last year I was in the midst of my Ph.D coursework and completed two courses: Social Media & Open Education and Critical Reviews of Selected Integration Models. This summer I will be spending time fine-tuning my research proposal based on the feedback provided during my most recent committee meeting. As always, I will post my proposal (and future work) here on the blog.

On the personal side I am looking forward to:

What does your version of “unplugging” look like?

If you are looking for professional development options for the summer months, I’ve included a few in our MVSD Year End Tech Checklist.

If you are looking for wellness resources specifically designed for educators, KG Education, which was has previously been highlighted on the blog, has some great resources and events dedicated to teacher wellness.

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