Follow Friday – GP Trojans

Follow Friday – GP Trojans

On Fridays I share what I believe to be a notable person/organization/school on our social media pages to assist our staff in the development of their online Personal Learning Network.

GP Trojans on Facebook, gilbert plains collegiate

Gilbert Plains Collegiate has been active on social media via Twitter for many years but has recently given their online presence a refresh with a new Facebook page. Their new Facebook page, GP Trojans, is being used to highlight school events like:

  • field trips
  • extracurricular activities
  • school updates
  • examples of student programming
  • community outreach events like fundraisers

Their page allows them to reach a new group of stakeholders; I encourage you to follow along and see all of the great things they are up to!

Gilbert Plains Collegiate is just one of many MVSD schools/groups using Facebook to connect with their community, give them a follow below!

I'd love to hear your thoughts; please leave a comment!

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