Follow Friday – School Board Trustees

Follow Friday – School Board Trustees

On Fridays I share what I believe to be a notable person/organization/school on our social media pages to assist our staff in the development of their online Personal Learning Network.

Follow Friday, MVSD School Board Trustee Elections, using social media to reach community stakeholders
Follow Friday – MVSD Trustee Elections. (2022). Uploaded by Kirsten Thompson. Available online at:

Manitoba is entering into a round of elections for school boards and the past and current members of the MVSD board have decided to harness the power of social media to share about this opportunity. During the last election of 2018 MVSD had just started their journey on Twitter but this continues to be a relatively under-utilized platform among our stakeholder groups. However, I was fortunate enough to work with out board when I joined the team in 2019 and we then started a presence on Facebook as well.

With the Covid-19 pandemic starting a few months later, this platform became an invaluable way to share out information and our posts can easily gain thousands of views and interactions.

With this in mind, the board has been utilizing this platform (in addition to Twitter, our website, and other traditional communication means) to share about the election. This included a series of video testimonials from current and past members (displayed in the image above) as well as several other promotional campaigns.

I am thankful that the board continues to seek out ways to engage with the stakeholders in our communities and look forward to seeing how this round of elections goes. I encourage you to follow along with the divisional pages and learn more about the upcoming election.

For full details on trustee elections in MVSD click HERE.

I'd love to hear your thoughts; please leave a comment!

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