WOW Wednesday – Vicky Ogg

WOW Wednesday – Vicky Ogg

   Every Wednesday I highlight some of our amazing MVSD staff on our social media pages. Everyday our staff are using tech in new and exciting ways, are learning new skills, and are sharing ways in which ed tech is assisting them in their practice.

WOW Wednesday, Vicky Ogg, Henderson Elementary
WOW Wednesday – Vicky Ogg. (2021). Uploaded by Kirsten Thompson. Available online at:

This week is Media Literacy Week and what better opportunity to highlight the great work being done by Vicky Ogg at Henderson Elementary (HES)! If you are participating in Media Literacy Week you may know that there are 5 key themes to focus on through the week and Vicky is well on her way to practicing ALL of them with her Gr 3/4 students.

Vicky’s Gr 3/4 students have familiarized themselves with the devices available to them at HES and have been using them as part of their classroom programming. In the photo highlight, they are using Samsung Galaxy Tablets.

The Gr 3/4 class has expanded from basic access an navigation and has been using the tablets to conduct online research to support their project on Canadian provinces and territories.

In addition to classroom projects, the class also maintains an account on Instagram where they share updates and information with their community (families, fellow HES teachers/classes, MVSD accounts). This practice allows both students and families practice effective communication in online spaces.

Thank you so much to Vicky for all of the work she is doing with her students in the area of media literacy!

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