But Won’t Tech Replace Teachers?

But Won’t Tech Replace Teachers?

Every Monday I share a different ed tech quote on our Thompson Classroom social media pages for our staff to consider.  

This week’s Mantra is:

But wont tech replace teachers, technology won't replace teachers... but teachers who use technology will probably replace those who don't
But Won’t Tech Replace Teachers. (2021). Uploaded by Kirsten Thompson. Available online at: www.fishbowlteaching.com

This quote is one that I have shared out multiple times over the past 5 years (this number actually shocked me as I didn’t think it had been this long). In 2017, I shared out that my mindset towards the role of technology in the classroom had shifted from that of a hierarchy model to an ecosystem model. In this stance we see both technology and educator filling unique niches within the classroom, each serving a distinct purpose that is not suitably duplicated. However, for many educators, reflecting on what these individual niches are is a first step that they have yet to take.

If the Covid-19 pandemic, and required shift to remote learning, has taught us anything its that educators and the practice of education can not replaced by machines. This shift also placed on spotlight on where educators fell in their understanding of technology; for better or worse. For some, this shift has proven to be just one of many aspects that has lead to them switching career paths. This does not need to be the case though!

Please reach out so that I can assist in helping determine the unique technology niche in your ecosystem.

I'd love to hear your thoughts; please leave a comment!

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