WOW Wednesday – MVSD Video Conference & Asynchronous Programming

WOW Wednesday – MVSD Video Conference & Asynchronous Programming

   Every Wednesday I highlight some of our amazing MVSD staff on our social media pages. Everyday our staff are using tech in new and exciting ways, are learning new skills, and are sharing ways in which ed tech is assisting them in their practice.

WOW Wednesday, divisional video conference and asynchronous programming in MVSD
WOW Wednesday – Video Conference & Asynchronous Programming. (2021). Uploaded by Kirsten Thompson. Available online at:

One of my roles in MVSD involves the organization of our divisional video conference schedule. As of 2021 this also includes asynchronous programming. This includes planning with participating schools, communication of schedules, maintenance of required equipment, and professional development for staff.

Each of our 6 senior years schools is identified as a subject-specific hub and specializes in the hosting of courses in that area. For further insight into how this works within MVSD take a peek below:

” In an effort to increase course selection options and schedule flexibility, video conference and asynchronous classes are available to any high school student in MVSD.  These courses are offered online via the Teams platform and are scheduled into a student’s timetable.

Video conference classes will be held during a designated time period.  These classes are hosted in a designated video conference room under the supervision of an educational assistant who is able to assist in facilitation between the learners and the hosting school.

Asynchronous classes are completed at a designated time period that aligns with the student’s availability.  All students enrolled in asynchronous classes will have a period in their timetable dedicated to the course so that they may utilize school computers, wi-fi, and other supplies for their course work.  Each school will have a communicated point-person, in addition to the hosting teacher, to help facilitate course communication.”

This year our VC & asynchronous programming is quite robust and I couldn’t be more proud of all of our teachers who are taking this on. These educators span from online veterans like Jarret Newton who has been streaming his classes to YouTube for years to newbies like myself who will be taking on two asynchronous classes for the first time! I want to thank all of our participating schools and hosting teachers; your efforts help increase programming options for all students.

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