Educate, Don’t Legislate

Educate, Don’t Legislate

Today is the day Manitobans will be able to view the long-awaited Ed Review. Originally scheduled to be shared in March of 2020, this framework was delayed as the world shifted gears in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the new education minister, Cliff Cullen, has now stated that the review is ready to be made public (although there is no indication if the contents of this document were altered in response to the pandemic). If you have read my blog for some time you know that I don’t align with our province’s current leadership and I have previously shared why I don’t believe a shift in educational programming can yield the transformational results they advertise. With that being said, I do believe there are several aspects of public education that should be revisited and I believe that systems should be designed to evolve in response to societal changes.

Educate, don't legislate
Ed Quote. (2021). Uploaded by Kirsten Thompson. Available online at:

While it is still too early to speculate over what will be shared this afternoon my hope continues to be that the review includes changes that are:

  • in the best interest of students
  • rooted in educational research applicable to our demographics
  • sustainable for teachers & educational leaders

I strongly believe that the successful education of our learners involves all stakeholders. Not only do we need to focus on providing the best education possible for the learners in our care, but our leaders need to educate themselves on the needs and realities of those that they serve.

If you are interested in hearing what Manitoba Educators think of the Ed Review, or would like to share your thoughts, join us for #MBEdChat this week!

I'd love to hear your thoughts; please leave a comment!

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