Tag: the scoreboard

Whole Brain Teaching Wednesday: Class Dojo Tutorial

     Have you been seeing posts around blog-land about the classroom management website, Class Dojo? While I didn’t see an immediate need to check it out, the website’s cute little characters drew me in and I knew I had to see what all the fuss was about. As I started exploring around some of the features I immediately began thinking of how this could be customized to create a super cute, interactive, WBT Scoreboard!!      If you’re naturally drawn to tech stuff this might be perfect for your classroom or, as Coach B often mentions, this could be the perfect… Read More

Whole Brain Teaching Wednesday! Certification Videos & 5 Step Lesson Plans

      So today was my second day student teaching. Our day consisted of staff meetings, individual meetings with the principal and prep periods alternating throughout the day. I am going to provide an update tomorrow, as my student teaching schedule has changed DRASTICALLY (in a good way).      In the mean time, I have exciting news!! Our principal, “Mrs. R” has told me that I should be able to film my class when I come back to student teach in October! ๐Ÿ™‚ Our school has a letter that goes home to all students at the beginning of the year for… Read More

Whole Brain Teaching Wednesday! My Classroom

     I follow many blogs from American teachers and have been enviously viewing all your posts as you set up your new classrooms. Unfortunately, not only does school not start here in Manitoba, Canada for over a month yet but I still have one year left in my Bachelor of Education so I don’t even have my own classroom yet! ๐Ÿ™ So I’ve decided to show you what my dream classroom would be like through some of my favourite pins from Pinterest. CLASSROOM DESIGN Pinned from: https://fishbowlteaching.com/2010/09/all-over-globes.html I love the idea of globes from the ceiling, especially for a social… Read More

Whole Brain Teaching Wednesday! Emotions, Memory & Learning

โ€œI think it is all a matter of love; the more you love a memory the stronger and stronger it becomesโ€ โ€• Vladimir Nabokov      Think back to your time in the classroom as a student…. do you remember what you learned on that specific Tuesday of Grade 10, what your teacher wore in June, all the steps in a logarithmic equation or how many assignments you completed during a certain week, probably not. Most likely, you’ll remember the highs, how you scored a 98% on that one exam you spent hours studying for or winning the volleyball championship, and… Read More

WBT & Manitoba's "Towards Inclusion" Document Part 2

     Yesterday I started blogging on how WBT strategies might fit in with the criteria set out by the Manitoba government. I found the Towards Inclusion: Supporting Positive Behaviours in Manitoba Classrooms document and decided to focus on Section 6: Positive Reinforcement (pg. 53) and Section 7: Fair & Predictable Consequences (pg. 58). I quickly realized, however, that this was not a one-post topic and decided to split it into two parts by covering Section 6 yesterday and covering Section 7 today. SECTION 7: FAIR & PREDICTABLE CONSEQUENCES The document summarizes that a teacher must establish consequences for inappropriate behaviour BEFORE… Read More

Whole Brain Teaching Wednesday! The Scoreboard

     The week is almost done (we don’t have school on Fridays) and I’m excited to be writing my fourth Whole Brain Teaching Wednesday post! I hope that this focus on a specific WBT strategy is helpful to those of you who are wishing to learn more about how a certain strategy may work and what my personal experience with it has been. Last week I highlighted “Mirror”, this week I would like to introduce you to the WBT strategy of “The Scoreboard”. (I realize that my introduction of these strategies are not in any specific order). Scoreboard for older… Read More

You Can Start Using WBT by Monday!

Friday is finally here and Friday the 13th at that. I won’t sugarcoat it, we know that Fridays can sometimes come with some management concerns. Your students are ready for the weekend and that means that it can be easier for them to get off-task and sometimes this can snowball into even larger issues. When I was student teaching, Fridays also meant assemblies, sports tournaments, hockey games, etc and sometimes it could be so challenging to keep everyone on task and focused in the classroom! With this in mind, I want to share with you a great new resource from… Read More