Tag: #TechTipTuesday

#TechTipTuesday – Device Norms

Every Tuesday I share a Tech Tip on our social media pages to assist our staff in their use of technology as it relates to their role. Today I wanted to share one strategy that I have been implementing to help guide people in the use of their personal devices. As the “cell phone debate” continues at many levels, I strongly believe that: To assist with this, I have begun implementing a “device norm” conversation into the PD sessions that I facilitate. This conversation, based on the work of Dr. James Lang, serves multiple purposes. It can: To learn more, check out… Read More

#TechTipTuesday – MAETL STEAM Library

Every Tuesday I share a Tech Tip on our social media pages to assist our staff in their use of technology as it relates to their role. One of the most challenging barriers when it comes to technology integration for educators is access to resources. In almost all scenarios, classroom teachers do not have a lot (or any) say over their budget and while buying things out-of-pocket is a reality for many educators, tech tools are often cost-prohibitive. However, the budget restraints affect individual schools and school divisions as well; especially for niche tech items that aren’t part of “daily” use. This… Read More

#TechTipTuesday – CyberSafe Privacy Prodigy

Every Tuesday I share a Tech Tip on our social media pages to assist our staff in their use of technology as it relates to their role. May 6-10 marks Privacy Awareness Week (PAW) which is an annual event to raise awareness within the public sector and the broader community about the importance of protecting and respecting personal information. If you are curious about how to approach this topic with students, I recommend the Mincraft EDU module: CyberSafe – Privacy Prodigy! This module covers the following skills: Keep login information private Discuss real-world cybersecurity problems and how personal information can be protected. Explain how physical… Read More

#TechTipTuesday – Manito Ahbee Aki

On Tuesdays, I share a Tech Tip on our social media pages to assist our staff in their use of technology as it relates to their role. Launched in 2022, the Manito Ahbee Aki program is a world within Minecraft that was developed in conjunction with the Louis Riel School Division Indigenous Education team. This world takes place in Manitoba, prior to European colonization, and features three core lessons: Phase 1: Explore Manito Ahbee Aki Phase 2: Travel to Manito Ahbee (Petroforms) and Gather and Craft Phase 3: Design a Community and Establish Food Sovereignty In their own words, Manito Ahbee Aki… Read More

#TechTipTuesday – Convert Documents to Presentations

On Tuesdays, I share a Tech Tip on our social media pages to assist our staff in their use of technology as it relates to their role. One thing that I always struggled with in the classroom was student PowerPoint presentations. When offered the option of how students want to share their learning with others it was often a PowerPoint. Now don’t get me wrong, there is nothing inherently wrong with a PowerPoint; for many students it is a comfort medium. However, there are always those students who could spend WEEKS of class time on the design of the slides and not… Read More

#TechTipTuesday – Robotics Options

On Tuesdays, I share a Tech Tip on our social media pages to assist our staff in their use of technology as it relates to their role. It is time for #RoboWeek ! Whether you want to use this week to introduce the field of robotics or you are looking to have robotics in your classroom all year long, there are lots of options available to you: MVSD Tech Kits These kits have been designed to allow students to explore a variety of digital literacy streams in a means that is accessible to staff. They are loaned to schools, at no charge,… Read More

#TechTipTuesday – CTRL-F

On Tuesdays, I share a Tech Tip on our social media pages to assist our staff in their use of technology as it relates to their role. Earlier this spring my friend Troy shared this resource with me and I thought it was time it had its place as an official tech tip! CTRL-F is a digital media literacy resource, sponsored by the Canadian government, that supports educators and students in middle and high school. This resource is a branch of the CIVIX charity which is focused on, “building skills and habits of citizenship among school-aged youth”. In their own words, CTRL-F… Read More

#TechTipTuesday – Out of Office

On Tuesdays, I share a Tech Tip on our social media pages to assist our staff in their use of technology as it relates to their role. Spring is officially here, despite still having WAY TOO MUCH snow on the ground for my liking! As we wrap up the third week of March I know that students, and teachers, have their eyes toward Spring Break. However, teachers tend to have their, “teacher-brain”, on all the time and sometimes have challenges stepping back and finding time for themselves. Trust me, you will be a better teacher if you take a break for yourself.… Read More

#TechTipTuesday – Esports in MVSD

On Tuesdays, I share a Tech Tip on our social media pages to assist our staff in their use of technology as it relates to their role. With our Elementary Esports Divisionals just a day away I wanted to maintain this theme and share what esports looks like within the context of MVSD. The following table outlines our “formal” esports presence in the division: School  Team Name  League Affiliation  Notes  Ecole Macneill    “Ecole Macneill Gamers”  Minecraft Student Ambassador  MVSD Elementary  MVSD Elementary Esports Founder 23/24 Minecraft Design Challenge finalists  Mackenzie Middle School  MS Magic  MSEA MY  Top 4 23/24 Brawhalla Provincials 2022/23 AAA Rocket League provincial… Read More

#TechTipTuesday – AI-Supported Report Card Comments

On Tuesdays, I share a Tech Tip on our social media pages to assist our staff in their use of technology as it relates to their role. In Manitoba, we have a standardized report card template that communicates attendance, academic achievement, learning behaviours, and includes teacher commentary on individual subjects. Full information about the expectations and format of our provincial report cards is available for review in the Manitoba Provincial Report Card Policy and Guidelines document. When it comes to learner assessment, the formal documentation that takes place as part of required “Teacher Comments” is a time-heavy task. See the policy exert… Read More