Today was my last day of work at my summer job with Children’s disABILITY Services. It seems literally last week that I first posted about STARTING work and now it is already over. I have been with this job for four summers now and love every minute of it. This summer I ended up working with eight children ranging in age from 9 to 17 years old that I saw twice a week for two-three hour visits. I grow very attached to the children I work with and by the end of the summer they feel like family!… Read More
New Ways to Keep up with WBT!
If you are using Whole Brain Teaching (WBT) in your classroom or interested in learning more, they now have a great network of various social media resources that you can follow! Their website, as always, is the best place to learn more! Make sure you take advantage of the FREE e-book downloads and the amazing support in their online discussion forum. Their Facebook page has important information in regards to new programs, webinars and WBT certification. Chris Biffle’s Twitter account has important information in regards to new programs, webinars and WBT certification. They now have TWO YouTube channels that… Read More
Level 4! WBT Advanced Intermediate
I was debating about whether to wait until tomorrow to post this for my Whole Brain Teaching Wednesday post but I couldn’t wait! I’ve written my online tests and am officially at Level 4 in my Whole Brain Teaching Certification process!! Image Credit: WBT Certification Information at The text in the image is a bit small so in case you can’t make it out, to reach Level 4 you must:– earn at least 500 Certification Points– score 90% (or higher) on the online Certification TestsI’m happy to announce that I was able to score a 96% on… Read More
Resources to Start Off Your Week 32
It is exciting to write this post and see that I have been consciously compiling these resources for 32 weeks now! I know that once I start student teaching and get more direction from my cooperating teacher I will probably be posting a lot of social studies specific resources as that is what class I will be in. In the meantime, however, here are some resources from all different subject areas. As always, I will be adding these to my lists of resources under the Fav Websites heading. 1 ) 50 Indispensable Edtech Tools for 2012– Online Degrees… Read More
More on Student Teaching
Before I even start I am apologizing for the randomness of this post. With school starting in a few short weeks my brain is already all over the place with a million ideas and questions! With it being my last year AND student teaching in schools where I may be interviewing in within 8-10 months I really want to make sure that I doing everything I can to make a good impression. INFO ON STUDENT TEACHING I’ve had a few emails asking questions about the specifics of my student teaching placement so here is some more info:SCHEDULE –… Read More
Student Teaching at "S-School"
I’m almost done, five years done, ONE to go! In a short two weeks I am going to be starting my second year of my Bachelor of Education degree which will be the LAST year before I am officially graduated and certified as a teacher in Manitoba! In my first year of my Bachelor of Education I took part in two student teaching placements. My first one was five weeks long running from October through November and my second one, at “C-School“, was seven weeks long (eight if you count spring break) running from March through May. In my… Read More
Resources to Start Off Your Week 31
Here are two great resources that can make your classroom life a lot easier for you, your students and their parents! 1 ) BringIt Sign Up Sheets– BringIt is an online resource that teachers can use to make Sign Up Sheets that can be shared with the students and parents in their classroom(s). This can eliminate the need for parents to come in or call you personally to sign up for all of those things that come up throughout the year.– BringIt allows users to automatically remind participants, allows participants to add ideas independently, can be public or… Read More
Fabulous Blog Award!
I’m so happy and excited because I have been awarded a new blog award! Usually I see awards floating around on blogs but I haven’t seen this one before so that makes it extra exciting π I want to send out a BIG thank you to Rachel over at The End of the Bottle for passing this award onto me. Rachel is a wife, mom, and saloon manager who blogs about her family, her household and life in general. Lately she has been posting about household organization so you should definitely check it out! Here are the rules:–… Read More
Whole Brain Teaching Wednesday! Using "Mirror" In ASL
For the past four summers I have been employed as a Child Development Worker with the Manitoba Government’s Children’s disABILITY Services department. (If you would like to read more about it you can check out a post I wrote at the beginning of the summer). One of my little guys has been with me on and off for 3 summers now and our main goal over the years has been communication. Larry* is currently still waiting for a full assessment of his specific disability but the doctors that he has seen have mentioned both Cerebral Palsy and Autism… Read More
Resources to Start Off Your Week 30: Math!
I was recently updating my Fav Websites page and I noticed that I have yet to add a list of math resources! I have never been strong in math and I think this is why I am never drawn to checking out math resources when I see them pop up on different blogs or websites. That is over now though as I am officially adding some great math resources! I will be creating a BRAND NEW heading on my Fav Websites page to include these resources (coming soon)! 1 ) Math Landing– This website is one… Read More