
Resources to Start Off Your Week 35

     Today is a very exciting Monday because I just reached 200 Followers, yay! I am currently working on a great giveaway celebration that I will post about later this week (probably tomorrow because I am pretty excited). In the mean time, here are some neat resources I just found this week. As always, I will be adding them to my lists of Fav Websites. 1 ) Go Social Studies Go– G.S.S.G is a website that has content organized and developed by  actual Social Studies teachers as a means of engaging the different  types of learners we find in… Read More

A Post Not Related to Education At All! Engagement Photos

Since I started blogging ALL of my posts have been about education: my university courses, student teaching, substitute teaching, curriculum, lesson planning, etc. Today, however, I’m just so excited that I can’t resist sharing something with you that has nothing to do with education!  As you may know, I am engaged and my fiance is also in the same year of his education degree as me. We have been together for five years and he is truly my best friend. We just finished our engagement pictures that were all taken in our yard which is a three generation farm where… Read More

WBT Blog Bug Update!

I have been trying to re-organize and update our WBT Blogger Master List on Google Docs over these past few weeks! Here is whats new: – I have updated to include recognition of our new Social Media Intern positions! – Some blogs have been upgraded from “dormant” to “active” status now that    they have started blogging again, yay! – Some blogs have lost their “active” status πŸ™ Make sure you visit these ones and   get them back on the blogging bandwagon! – Some blogs now have more information available to fill in those sections that may    have… Read More

Wab Kinew

     It takes a specific set of skills in order to be an effective public speaker. I’m not talking about the teacher who stands in front of their classroom kind of public speaker, although that takes some skills as well! I’m talking about the kind of public speaker who can stand in front of a diverse group of people, deliver a powerful message on what can be a controversial subject area and have the audience hanging off their every word. This is exactly the type of public speaker Wab Kinew is.      Last night my fiance and I were lucky… Read More

Resources To Start Off Your Week 34

     My first (VERY short) stint of student teaching is now completed and I am back at university for regular classes until mid-October. It is a really exciting feeling to be starting my last year of school before I become certified as a teacher… in EIGHT shorts months I will be graduated and can start searching for teaching positions!! Hopefully, I can then use some of these great resources that I found. As always, I will be adding them to my lists of resources under the Fav Websites heading. 1 ) Science Bob– Science Bob is a fun website that… Read More

Student Teaching Schedule

     Today was the first day of school for student’s in our school and it was a busy one! During the first 3 periods of the first day of school, our entire school does a “trial run” of a full day’s schedule so I met all 125-ish of my Cooperating Teacher’s students in about an hour! To say it was a bit overwhelming would be an understatement but it definitely was interesting to see how our school began their first day with students.      I also had my schedule change THREE times today… which makes that a total of FIVE… Read More

Whole Brain Teaching Wednesday! Certification Videos & 5 Step Lesson Plans

      So today was my second day student teaching. Our day consisted of staff meetings, individual meetings with the principal and prep periods alternating throughout the day. I am going to provide an update tomorrow, as my student teaching schedule has changed DRASTICALLY (in a good way).      In the mean time, I have exciting news!! Our principal, “Mrs. R” has told me that I should be able to film my class when I come back to student teach in October! πŸ™‚ Our school has a letter that goes home to all students at the beginning of the year for… Read More

September Currently

     So after seeing “Currently” posts every month on many A LOT of the teaching blogs I follow I decided to join in on the fun! I am so excited about it that I am breaking a blogging rule and posting twice in one day (I can’t help it!).      If you haven’t encountered a “Currently” post before, it is just a fun post at the beginning of each month that serves as a way to share what is Currently going on in your life! You can link up and share your own “Currently” post by visiting the wonderful Farley… Read More

Last "First Day of School"

     Today was my last “First Day of School” as a student!! 18 years ago I started my first day of Kindergarten and today I started my first day of my last year of university. From now on, my “first day of school” experiences will be as the teacher as opposed to the student, what an interesting thought! My VERY first day of school: Kindergarten 1995 (I’m on the left, my younger sister is on the right). Don’t you love the work boots and the plaid pants?      Although students aren’t back in school until Thursday our student teaching… Read More

Resources to Start Off Your Week 33: Back to School Edition!

I can’t believe that it is already SEPTEMBER, this summer seriously flew by!  ….. In one day I start my last year of university ….. In three months I am off on my first warm vacation ever to the Domincan Republic ….. In six months I start my last student teaching placement ever ….. In nine months I graduate with my Bachelors of Education (after degree) ….. In ten months I get married! Yes the countdowns have officially begun and I couldn’t be more excited. To celebrate I have put together a super list of resources to not only Start… Read More