As you may know, I started student teaching again this week but have only been observing my cooperating teachers so far (I start teaching Canadian History tomorrow). In these few short days I have heard the following: “I forgot that at work.“ “I was so busy last night by the time I got home I forgot.“ “I can’t remember that!“ “That was due?!“ “Oh right, we’re doing that today…. I don’t have it.“ I get it, our students are very busy and most of them have afterschool jobs, work one (or more jobs), care for younger… Read More
Resources to Start Off Your Week 39
Today is our first day back student teaching at “S-School” but instead of only one week, we are now here teaching full time for 5 full weeks! (I am actually still at our school as my fiance is assisting with the volleyball tournament going on this evening.) I am very excited about being back in the school and will be posting about my classrooms later this week (including pictures) and sharing some of my lesson plans (yay for freebies). Until then, here are some resources that I found this week. As always, I will be adding them to my… Read More
Fab Five 2012 Conference
Winnipeg Conference Poster: Our conference dates were different! This week I spent Thursday evening and all of Friday at The Fab 5 conference put on by the Manitoba Teachers’ Society. This conference is designed for teachers in their first five years of teaching (including student teachers) and it is one that I attended last year as well! The sessions cover everything from general classroom management information and curriculum specifics to personal management and special area groups. By far one of the best parts about this conference is the attendants, presenters and organizers! I feel so fortunate to have had… Read More
Whole Brain Teaching Wednesday: Class Dojo Tutorial
Have you been seeing posts around blog-land about the classroom management website, Class Dojo? While I didn’t see an immediate need to check it out, the website’s cute little characters drew me in and I knew I had to see what all the fuss was about. As I started exploring around some of the features I immediately began thinking of how this could be customized to create a super cute, interactive, WBT Scoreboard!! If you’re naturally drawn to tech stuff this might be perfect for your classroom or, as Coach B often mentions, this could be the perfect… Read More
Resources To Start Off Your Week 38: Thanksgiving Edition!
It is Thanksgiving weekend!! I have spent all weekend visiting family, celebrating birthdays (my own and my dad’s) and eating some amazing food 🙂 One of the things I am thankful for is all of the amazing resources out there that can assist our student’s learning. Here are some great ones that I found this week and will be adding them to my lists of resources under the Fav Websites heading. 1 ) Urlist– Have you ever wanted to use webquests/internet scavenger hunts in your classroom but never had an easy way to put them together? Urlist is… Read More
Richard Wagamese
The following is a short biography on an Aboriginal role model, Richard Wagamese, that my fiance and I completed for our Aboriginal Studies course. This biography could have easily been pages and pages but, as we are making a book out of our class’s assignments, we were limited on space. “Richard Wagamese is an Ojibway in search of definition through writing, living and reflection.” – Richard Wagamese Richard Wagamese has stated that if a student were to learn about him as an individual, the most important thing he would want them to know is that, I never quit. I… Read More
World Teachers' Day!
Today is World Teachers’ Day!! Get your own copy of this poster at: I’d like to thank all of the teachers who made such a positive impact on my life: 1 ) All of the teachers, support staff and admin at Heyes Elementary School – I have so many wonderful memories at Heyes School and remember each of my teachers fondly. The atmosphere and sense of community was amazing at this school and I strongly feel that when the teachers are united in their goals, the students benefit. – My classmates must agree because there are… Read More
October Currently
October has to be my favourite month! Not only is it my birthday month and the month my fiance and I got engaged (one year ago) but I just love the smell of the crisp air, the colour of the leaves, Halloween, and hunting season! If you haven’t encountered a “Currently” post before, it is just a fun post at the beginning of each month that serves as a way to share what is Currently going on in your life! You can link up and share your own “Currently” post by visiting the wonderful Farley over at Oh’ Boy… Read More
Whole Brain Teaching Wednesday! Student Teaching Thoughts
Student teaching is just a short 11 days away and I busily attempting to get everything together for the six units that I will be teaching to my Grade 4, 9, 10, 11, and 12 classes! Here is a reminder of what my schedule will look like: I mentioned before that I am going to, hopefully, be filming a video to submit for my WBT Certification while I am student teaching and I already have so many things to consider. – What class should I be filming? – Since I will also be using the video for… Read More
Resources to Start Off Your Week 37
This week is the LAST full week of classes before we head back student teaching!! I hope to post an extra long edition of Resources To Start Off Your Week next week to celebrate the long week but for now, here are three great resources I’ve found this week. As always, I will be adding these to my lists of resources under the Fav Websites heading. 1 ) Educational Technology & Mobile Learning– I just found this site but it could have definitely been part of my Best Resources for Finding Resources post! Mohamed (Med) strives to assist educators… Read More