Leader in Me – Cultivating Emotional Resilience in Educators

Our MVSD Admin Council is continuing our work with the Covey Institute as part of our professional growth plan. This has been an ongoing journey with my involvement including:
- Fall 2022 – 7 Habits
- Fall 2023 – Leader in Me
- Spring 2024 – Leader in Me: Community Learning
This post will serve as a summary of resources to document my learning journey through this session.
We started our morning with a review of the 7 Habits program and a reflection on the MVSD journey thus far.
*Reflection Question regarding the potential to lead your ideal school. My qualities included:
- competency-based, cross-curricular
- curricular exploration through student interest
- land-based
- focus on student empowerment and community
This reflection for myself was, of course, hypothetical as I am not a school leader.
GET: What impact/results would you be getting?
- Increases in student attendance
- Increases in student mastery results
DO: What would you be doing to get those results?
- Inform class offerings/cohorts
- Inform budgeting decisions related to staffing and learning resources
SEE: What paradigm would be most obvious in your leadership of this school?
- Change begins with me
- a lot of what I would like to see involves a change in the traditional structure of education in our province
We then moved into a private journalling session with the following prompts:

The remainder of our morning was focused on the development of school-specific action plans. As our Admin Council includes both school leaders and divisional leaders, myself and the other Coordinators were available in a support capacity as schools worked to complete their plans.