Follow Friday – The Chey and Pav Show

Follow Friday – The Chey and Pav Show

On Fridays, I share what I believe to be a notable person/organization/school on our social media pages to assist our staff in the development of their online Personal Learning Network.

Follow Friday – The Chey and Pav Show. (2024). Uploaded by Kirsten Thompson. Available online at:

Here in Manitoba, we are very quickly approaching summer break, with our last day with students being June 27th. As we step back for an opportunity to recharge and connect with activities that bring us joy, I know that many of us are looking for easy and accessible PD opportunities. Podcasts can be the perfect way to build in both PD and entertainment as they can be played:

  • while enjoying a walk
  • on a road-trip
  • while relaxing with your morning coffee

Current stats for Canadian online use indicate that 60.1% of internet users enjoy podcasts regularly with the average time being ~43min of daily listening. If you are wondering where to start in the world of podcasts, I recommend exploring the episodes offered via The Chey and Pav Show: Teachers Talking Teaching. Their website bio shares the following:

The Chey and Pav Show is a weekly podcast that centres around the teaching insights, reflections and growth of Chey and Pav, two middle school teachers from Toronto, Ontario.  Regularly commenting on being JUST two teachers in a highly diverse community, they look to share best practices, favorite resources, mis-steps and setbacks  from their teaching experiences. 

As the show embarks on nearly two years of existence, and well over 100 recordings, Chey and Pav will attest that in their combined 35 years of teaching, the personalized professional development and growth as teachers is exponential in comparison to the one-size-fits-all, top-down mandated professional development offered by boards and districts.  

This podcasting space is one for growth and reflection. It’s introspective and personalized to take you on a learning journey that is designed to make you a better teacher in the classroom.  This type of consistent practice becomes invigorating, vibrant and a tidal wave of excitability to dive deeper, reflect further and endlessly try new things.

The latest episode that caught my eye was Episode 134 which focused on Cell Phones as I am always curious to see what is happening in other provinces and listening to different experiences and opinions from educators:

Click the hyperlink to check out my thoughts on The Cell Phone Debate.

I'd love to hear your thoughts; please leave a comment!

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