The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

This year the MVSD Admin Council is using the work of Covey as part of our professional growth plan; starting with a focus on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This post will serve as a summary of resources to document my learning journey through this first session.

A visual overview is available in below via YouTube:

Normally my learning habits include blogging through PD sessions and university courses as the act of typing and embedding links assists me in my understanding of the material being presented. However, today’s session explicitly asked to not engage with devices in any way; laptops and phones were put away. As we engaged in an 8 hour session that was predominantly lecture-based this proved to be extremely challenging for me. So much so that I found myself emotional upset during the morning session and I needed to remove myself during break to get a fidget from our neighbouring clinician’s office. With this additional stimulation I found myself emotionally grounded for the remaining components of the day but I still struggled to internalize the information without my regular routine of typing and re-reading the content.

It is my plan to work through the information again independently to ensure that I have an appropriate understanding of the content before our next session on this topic. MVSD has full access to the Covey online portal that houses additional activities, resources, and reflection questions which will play a role in upcoming meetings through the year.

At current time I have identified the following habits in the “public victory” realm to focus on with more purpose:

  • Think Win-Win
  • Seek First to Understand
  • Synergize

It is my hope that, as we progress towards this learning during the year, I will share how my understanding is developing and how I am doing within each of the 7 habits.

Are you familiar with the work of Covey and have you participated in any of their professional development sessions? I would love to hear your thoughts below or suggestions for further resources; thanks!

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