M.Ed… 3 Years Later!

M.Ed… 3 Years Later!

On Thursdays I usually use our social media platforms to share using the #ThrowbackThursday trend where users participate by sharing a memory (recent or distant). These posts don’t usually make it to the blog but when a memory popped up today I was surprised to see I hadn’t placed it as a feature on the blog in the past.

In 2014 I decided to head back to Brandon University to pursue by Master of Education degree. Throughout this journey I shared about my experiences and published assignment work using the tag “University” and, in the spring of 2018, I published by Graduate Portfolio. A return to the classroom as a learner has, and continues to be, the best professional development of my career (a sentiment echoed by many of my colleagues who have participated in similar journeys).

Since my graduation I left my classroom position to move into the role of Coordinator of ICT and, as of the fall of 2021, have also returned as a student to pursue my Ph.D.

To read a summary of my experiences as a remote learner in my M.Ed journey, check out this POST.

If you are interested in learning more about graduate studies for educators I would recommend a recent podcast episode by KG Education:

I'd love to hear your thoughts; please leave a comment!

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