
Recently, while on Twitter, Donna Miller Fry brought up the idea of a Twitter challenge to help foster community and bring holiday cheer amongst educators. She shared a past example from Ontario who hosted a #TweetTheHalls event which was a series of daily Twitter challenges in the weeks leading up to the Christmas break.
After a bit of brainstorming, we decided that this could be a perfect activity for #MBEdChat to take on in lieu of a formal December Twitter chat. From there our team came up with a series of daily prompts, I made up a graphic using Canva, and the #MBEdChat #TweetTheHalls event was born!

Every week-day from Dec 1-18 there is a different activity prompt that encourages educators to share, learn, and connect while using the #TweetTheHalls and #MBEdChat hashtags. In addition to the joy that comes from your involvement in the challenge, and an increased supportive community, there are also prizes!
These prizes have been donated by Donna, ManACE, and myself and are the cherry on top of a fun Christmas countdown!
We hope to see you all online!
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