Assessment, Evaluations, & Use of Data

*This post has been written as part of my professional growth plan through my #ISTE20 scholarship.
TPACK Leadership Diagnostic Tool: Guidance for Teacher Education Toward Technology Infusion

Presenters: Dr. Arlene Borthwick, Jeffrey Carpenter, Dr. Jon Clausen, Elizabeth Finsness, Dr. Kevin Graziano, & Mary Herring
Overview: “This session highlights the JDLTE Outstanding Research Award Paper entitled, “TPACK Leadership Diagnostic Tool: Adoption and Implication for Teacher Education Leaders.” JDLTE recognizes one article from the prior volume year with the highest possibility to advance the field of teacher education. Authors will provide the background that lead to the tool’s development and discuss how institutions have implemented the tool in TPACK technology initiatives. Researchers will highlight the essential role of teacher education leadership in making future initiatives successful and share how the TPACK Leadership Diagnostic Tool can support continuing efforts toward technology infusion within teacher education.”
Main Takeaways
1. How was the TPACK leadership diagnostic tool used by education leaders during the implementation of TPACK-based initiatives?
- Two articles share the development of this tool
- Thomas, T., Herrings, M., Redmond, P., & Smaldino, S. (2013). Innovation, change & technology: The evolution of a leadership model to develop TPACK ready teacher candidates. TechTrends, 57(5). 55-63.
- Graziano, K.J., Herring, M. C., Carpenter, J.P., & Finsnesse, E.S. (2017). A TPACK Diagnostic Tool for Teacher Education Leaders. TechTrends, 61(4). 372-379.
- Self-assessment tool used to set goals and plan for PD as it relates to TPACK
2. In what ways did the TPACK leadership diagnostic tool serve as an opportunity to examine current practices and set realistic goals?
- 3 Main Categories:
- Zone of Wishful Thinking
- What can be controlled?
- Key leadership functions. How will change happen?
3. What are education leaders’ recommendations for the TPACK leadership diagnostic tool?
- What can be controlled: human resources, fiscal resources, personal resources, engagement with internal/external partners
- Key leadership functions: vision statement, developing facult capacity, organization redesign
- Leadership to prioritize goals and support personnel is key in faculty empowerment and change
- The tools offers opportunities to leaders to:
- examine your current environment
- assess and make plans
- reflect on aspects to leverage progress or pause
- communicate with decision-making stakeholders to make supporting plans
- introduce key players
Further Resources
- TPACK Leadership Diagnostic Tool (paper)
- Includes the full tool for use by schools
- TPACK (blog post)
Assessing Classroom Technology Use for 21st Century Skills: A research-based rubric
Presenters: Jason Ravitz, Dr. Mahsa Bakhshaei, & John Seylar
Overview: “To help teachers in a nationwide coaching program reflect on their progress in technology use, researchers developed an Impactful Technology Use (ITU) Rubric and associated survey questions. We’ll share the development process, the final version of the rubric, its reliability and suggestions for its use.“
Main Takeaways
- Impactful Technology Use (ITU) Framework
- students are using technology to develop the identified skills

- PD was provided for both coaches and teachers
- 8-week coaching cycles implemented
- “The teachers who perceived the most impact were those who used the practices with greater frequency, and to a lesser extent those who had higher self-ratings”
Further Resources
- Assessing Classroom Technology Use for 21st Century Skills (paper)
- Presentation Notes
- Google Certified Tech Coach program
The next learning topic on my professional growth plan is “Assistive & Adaptive Technology”.