Every Wednesday I highlight some of our amazing MVSD staff on our social media pages. Everyday our staff are using tech in new and exciting ways, are learning new skills, and are sharing ways in which ed tech is assisting them in their practice. This week I am so excited to show what Josh at Ecole Macneill has set up for his early years classroom. His room features smart bulbs which have been preset with the class schedule and provide a visual cue for transitions (ex: 5 mins left, new classes, etc). They can also be run manually… Read More
Every Wednesday I highlight some of our amazing MVSD staff on our social media pages. Everyday our staff are using tech in new and exciting ways, are learning new skills, and are sharing ways in which ed tech is assisting them in their practice. This week I would like to showcase Kelsey at GVS who committed her Monday morning to learning more about Office 365. She’s now prepared to introduce collaboration features and learning tools with her Gr 4 class. Well done! Office 365 Training. (2020). Uploaded by Kirsten Thompson. Available online at: http://fishbowlteaching.blogspot.com/
Every Wednesday I highlight some of our amazing MVSD staff on our social media pages. Everyday our staff are using tech in new and exciting ways, are learning new skills, and are sharing ways in which ed tech is assisting them in their practice. This week I would like to give a shout out to Lisa who is part of our School Clinicians team. She has been working diligently all month to clean up her digital files for security and efficiency! Clinician Computer Meeting. (2020). Uploaded by Kirsten Thompson. Available online at: http://fishbowlteaching.blogspot.com/ If you require assistance… Read More
Every Wednesday I highlight some of our amazing MVSD staff on our social media pages. Everyday our staff are using tech in new and exciting ways, are learning new skills, and are sharing ways in which ed tech is assisting them in their practice. This week I’d like to showcase the staff at Smith Jackson School who have been learning coding alongside their students through the Hour of Code tutorials (this one featured is Star Wars themed)!