Today was the first day of school for student’s in our school and it was a busy one! During the first 3 periods of the first day of school, our entire school does a “trial run” of a full day’s schedule so I met all 125-ish of my Cooperating Teacher’s students in about an hour! To say it was a bit overwhelming would be an understatement but it definitely was interesting to see how our school began their first day with students. I also had my schedule change THREE times today… which makes that a total of FIVE… Read More
Whole Brain Teaching Wednesday! Certification Videos & 5 Step Lesson Plans
So today was my second day student teaching. Our day consisted of staff meetings, individual meetings with the principal and prep periods alternating throughout the day. I am going to provide an update tomorrow, as my student teaching schedule has changed DRASTICALLY (in a good way). In the mean time, I have exciting news!! Our principal, “Mrs. R” has told me that I should be able to film my class when I come back to student teach in October! π Our school has a letter that goes home to all students at the beginning of the year for… Read More
Last "First Day of School"
Today was my last “First Day of School” as a student!! 18 years ago I started my first day of Kindergarten and today I started my first day of my last year of university. From now on, my “first day of school” experiences will be as the teacher as opposed to the student, what an interesting thought! My VERY first day of school: Kindergarten 1995 (I’m on the left, my younger sister is on the right). Don’t you love the work boots and the plaid pants? Although students aren’t back in school until Thursday our student teaching… Read More
More on Student Teaching
Before I even start I am apologizing for the randomness of this post. With school starting in a few short weeks my brain is already all over the place with a million ideas and questions! With it being my last year AND student teaching in schools where I may be interviewing in within 8-10 months I really want to make sure that I doing everything I can to make a good impression. INFO ON STUDENT TEACHING I’ve had a few emails asking questions about the specifics of my student teaching placement so here is some more info:SCHEDULE –… Read More
Student Teaching at "S-School"
I’m almost done, five years done, ONE to go! In a short two weeks I am going to be starting my second year of my Bachelor of Education degree which will be the LAST year before I am officially graduated and certified as a teacher in Manitoba! In my first year of my Bachelor of Education I took part in two student teaching placements. My first one was five weeks long running from October through November and my second one, at “C-School“, was seven weeks long (eight if you count spring break) running from March through May. In my… Read More
Whole Brain Teaching Wednesday! WBT in High School
Can Whole Brain Teaching be used in a high school setting? Here are some concerned comments I’ve pulled off the WBT Forum. “I like what I’ve seen so far with WBT but can see how older kids might think it’s beneath them.“ “I like the idea behind this educational approach but I’m a little concerned that these techniques will be “too young” for my students.“ “ I’m very very VERY nervous about student ‘buy-in,’ particularly at the beginning of the year.” “My concern is that high school students would find this technique too silly and ridiculous… high schoolers are “insanely”… Read More
Last Day at "C-School"!
Friday was my LAST day of my 8 week student teaching placement in the Grade 5 and Grade 5/6 split classes at “C-School”. I’ve learned so much during my time there and have grown so attached to our students. We celebrated my last day by having a party in the afternoon which involved lots of treats, the movie Despicable Me and a great surprise from my students! Here are some pictures to remember the day. “Thank You For Being So Sweet” Goodie Bags for the Students The girls presenting me with a GIGANTIC card from the whole class! I was… Read More
Whole Brain Teaching Wednesday: Final Evaulation Meeting
Being that it is my last week of student teaching I met with my Faculty Supervisor yesterday for our final meeting. I am happy to report that everything went amazing, as it has throughout my time here at “C-Shool”. We went through the observations that had been completed by my supervisor as well as my cooperating teacher and we also went through my weekly goal summaries that I completed over the last 7 weeks. What I am left with is a “Final Evaluation Report” that I am very proud of (and good thing because it is added to our… Read More
1st Reaction to Whole Brain Teaching
I had to share this story with you because it just made me laugh. Every few days our students have art class with the other 5/6 split teacher while my teacher and myself teach the other class gym. While a few days ago the 5/6 split teacher had to leave early to attend an appointment so she asked me to supervise our class during art for the last 10 minutes of the day (they were just finishing up an assignment so there was no work involved). The last class of the day, however, is always pretty chaotic for our… Read More
Off the Map and Back Again!
After a few days of ignoring my email, blog, twitter, facebook…. well just the computer in general, I am now back! I found that with student teaching, working two jobs and going to the gym I was really letting myself get burnt out; I needed a few days of catch-up time. So after a few days of meetings, laundry, catching up with friends and A LOT of sleep I am back and ready to go! Student teaching is going by so quickly it seems. I will be finished up on May 4th even though it seems like I… Read More