Tag: social media

WOW Wednesday – Smith-Jackson Social Media

On Wednesdays, I highlight some of our amazing MVSD staff on our social media pages. Every day our staff are using tech in new and exciting ways, are learning new skills, and are sharing ways in which ed tech is assisting them in their practice. I am always so pleased when I happen to see one of our school accounts come across my social media feed! Smith-Jackson School is an excellent example of this as they recently launched a Facebook account to connect and share with caregivers and the broader community. Their feed provides a window into the school as they are sharing: We know our… Read More

Goodbye Twitter – Welcome to BlueSky!

Twelve and a half years ago….. that’s when I first joined the Twitter community. The platform, at the time, was exactly that: a community. For me, this social media platform was my connection to other educators and ed tech organizations. As a new teacher, and one in a rural area, my PLC was almost entirely online, and the information that was available on this platform was invaluable to me. As I sit and reflect back on my early-days of Twitter I am overwhelmed, which seems silly to type out. However, over a decade a later, I can honestly say that… Read More

Follow Friday – MVSD Accounts

On Fridays, I share what I believe to be a notable person/organization/school on our social media pages to assist our staff in the development of their online Personal Learning Network. One of the projects I was excited to undertake when I took on this role was curating our divisional social media pages.  The purpose of this project was: – to help build community– to assist with effective and appropriate use of these platforms– to establish some level of consistency in regard to messaging While our official numbers fluctuate every year due to staffing changes, we are currently over 60 accounts across various social media… Read More

Follow Along with the MVSD Coordinator of ICT

August plays host to our prep period at Division Office; a time where we increase our outreach to staff and (re)share the ways in which our portfolios can assist them in their unique teaching context. For myself, that includes sharing the various ways in which I attempt to reach staff, which includes social media. The social media accounts I maintain on behalf of my professional life are designed to be educational and focus on the use of technology in education (at all levels). At a secondary level, they also serve as an example of how an educator may set-up and… Read More

End-of-Year Checklist – Part 3 – Social Media

On Tuesdays, I share a Tech Tip on our social media pages to assist our staff in their use of technology as it relates to their role. It is week two of our End-of-Year Checklist series. If you are just jumping in now, you can check out the previous posts: This week we are focused on social media, specifically the professional accounts that represent our schools/classroom/and extracurricular programs. In our division, we have over 60 accounts sharing via social media platforms (learn more HERE). Check out the video below for further information:

#TweetTheHalls 2023

It is officially time for #TweetTheHalls! This is the 4th year of our seasonal event designed to strengthen your educational PLN, practice a variety of ed tech skills, and spread holiday joy in the month of December. Check out the official prompt calendar below: If you haven’t participated in #TweetTheHalls before or are new to X/Twitter check out our #TechTipTuesday post which featured a tutorial. In the mean time, check out the prompt for December 1st and get ready to share!

Convergence Conference 2023

What better way to kick off the school year then with high-quality, inspiring, professional development! Last spring, MAETL reached out to various ed tech committees across Canada who were doing similar work to our organization and, through this outreach, we connected with ATLE out of Alberta. Our friendship was solidified when they sent a fantastic group out to the Riding the Wave conference in Gimli in May and it was decided then and there that we could reciprocate a visit to their Convergence conference in October. Myself and Troy Sigvaldason (MAETL VP and IT-extraordinaire) are taking in the conference, as… Read More

Follow Friday – MVSD Accounts

On Fridays I share what I believe to be a notable person/organization/school on our social media pages to assist our staff in the development of their online Personal Learning Network. One of the projects I was excited to undertake when I took on this role was the curation of our divisional social media pages.  The purpose of this project was: – to help build community– to assist with effective and appropriate use of these platforms– to establish some level of consistency in regards to messaging While our official numbers fluctuate every year due to staffing changes, we are currently over 60 accounts across various… Read More

WOW Wednesday – Winnipegosis Social Media

On Wednesdays I highlight some of our amazing MVSD staff on our social media pages. Everyday our staff are using tech in new and exciting ways, are learning new skills, and are sharing ways in which ed tech is assisting them in their practice. With the 23/24 school year in full swing I am always so pleased when I happen to see one of our school accounts come back across my social media feed after a summer break! Winnipegosis Elementary is an excellent example of this as they maintain a Facebook account to connect and share with caregivers and the broader community. Their feed provides a… Read More

TikTok Accounts for You To Follow

The following is a list of TikTok accounts that can be used to share curricular content and expand your PLN. This list will be a working post that is updated as new accounts are found. Not every video on these accounts may be a good fit for your programming. Some creators are using their accounts for multi-purpose so you may need to search to find their educational content. Hashtags and playlists may assist with streamlining their content. Inclusion on this list does not necessarily mean support; screening and professional judgement needs to occur before utilizing these accounts in your practice.… Read More