Tag: professional development


*This post has been written as part of my professional growth plan through my #ISTE20 scholarship. Edtech Coaches Panel: effective strategies to improve teaching & learning Presenters: Kris Amijo, Jason Gay, Stephanie Howell, Amy Hudson Estepp, Brian Seymour, Jeremy Shorr Overview: “A technology integration specialist and coaches panel from a variety of educational settings will share challenges and strategies that contribute to a district’s technology vision, implementing high-quality, job-embedded professional learning opportunities and integrating digital literacy and citizenship.” Main Takeaways: All support roles in a division exist to support teachers in their role with students How can we get teachers to… Read More

Follow Friday – BYTE Conference

Every Friday I share what I believe to be a notable person/organization/school on our social media pages to assist our staff in the development of their online Personal Learning Network. Being that it is the 3rd Friday in February it can only mean one thing…. it is time for the BYTE Conference!  This conference holds a special place in my heart as it was not only the first large ed conference that I attended as a B.Ed student but it was also the start of my presentation experience.  Since that time I have been able to attend 6 of the conferences (5 years… Read More

Digital Citizenship

*This post has been written as part of my professional growth plan through my #ISTE20 scholarship. The most important skill of the digital age Presenter: Alan November Overview: “There is overwhelming research that the majority of our students do not have strategies to to validate if online content is true or false.. Come and learn how to design highly creative assignments that cover the curriculum and teach students to be web literate!“ Main Takeaways: URL formats can tell users what type of author is associated with that content .org , .edu , .co , .com punctuation such as ~ , –… Read More

WOW Wednesday – Ecole Macneill

   Every Wednesday I highlight some of our amazing MVSD staff on our social media pages. Everyday our staff are using tech in new and exciting ways, are learning new skills, and are sharing ways in which ed tech is assisting them in their practice. The staff at Ecole Macneill are no strangers to tech integration. From their smart bulb enabled classrooms that provide visual schedules and weather insights to their resident Microsoft Expert, they are willing and eager to showcase tech innovation in their classrooms. The newest addition to their toolbox is a class set of Micro:bits donated by MB Ed… Read More

Teacher Education: Part 2

*This post has been written as part of my professional growth plan through my #ISTE20 scholarship. Championing Technology Infusion in Techer Preparation Presenters: Dr. Arlene Borthwick, Dr. Jon Clausen, Dr. Denise Crawford, Dr. Teresa Foulger, Dr. Kevin Graziano, Dr. Liz Kolb, Dr. Michael McVey, Dr. Rob Muller, Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach, Ji Soo Song, Dr. Joseph South, Dr. Debra Sprague, Dr. Jo Williamson Overview: “This session addresses the complexity of technology infusion from a systems perspective, considering the complexity of teacher preparation as an outcome of teacher candidate, faculty, program, field and unit-level participation. The panelists will share their perspectives of the complexity… Read More

Teacher Education: Part 1

*This post has been written as part of my professional growth plan through my #ISTE20 scholarship. PD Magic: Applying the Best Practices of the Walt Disney Co. Presenters: Ryan Boeckman, Jerry Johnson Overview: “P.D. Magic is a transformative professional development model that strives to create future-ready classrooms and schools. Explore the instructional methods, concepts and activities that P.D. Magic uses to develop graduate-level courses, workshops, online courses and experiential on-site learning experiences.” Main Takeaways: 6 Core Values 1. Creative storytellers 2. Innovative designers 3. Memorable leaders 4. Blue sky thinkers 5. Empowered learners 6. Knowledge constructors The goal is to develop… Read More

Project-, Problem- & Challenge-based Learning

*This post has been written as part of my professional growth plan through my #ISTE20 scholarship. Anatomy of Effective Digital-Age Projects: Designing for Equity, Inquiry, Literacy Presenters: Suzie Boss, Myla Lee Overview: “From project launch until final showcase, decisions about project design, technology integration, and student choice shape the quality of the learning experience–both in person and via remote learning. We will analyze the anatomy of effective projects, emphasizing opportunities to amplify inquiry, equity and digital-age literacies in PBL.” Main Takeaways: PBL allows for collaboration, creativity, curiousity, connection, critical thinking, etc How can we amplify inquiry, equity, and digital-age literacies in… Read More

Safety, Security, & Student Data Privacy

*This post has been written as part of my professional growth plan through my #ISTE20 scholarship. 5 Questions for the Changing K-12 Cybersecurity Landscape Presenters: Amy Mandrier, Trent Redden Overview: “Hosted by AT&T. This panel discussion of cybersecurity experts explores how COVID-19 has changed the cybersecurity landscape on school campuses, identifies the top 3 cybersecurity risks for K-12, and details how to be better prepared before, during and after a cyber-attack.“ Main Takeaways: Top 3 cyber security risks identified as: 1. ransomware 2. phishing emails 3. DDoS attack Recommended that schools encrypt data, have a response plan, educate all users (staff… Read More

Why I Replaced Myself With A Machine

This afternoon I will have an opportunity to chat with the Internet for Educators class (#I4Ed) out of Brandon University. Our discussion today will build off of a shift in mindset that I experienced in 2017 while working on my M. Ed. This is a topic that I’ve been able to share a few times both with previous #I4Ed classes but also at the BYTE and Riding the Wave conferences. As we approach the one-year anniversary of a shift to remote learning; this mindset has never been more relevant for educators. It is my hope that this post will serve… Read More

Equity & Inclusion

*This post has been written as part of my professional growth plan through my #ISTE20 scholarship. Why Digital Equity Matters Presenters: Dr. Desiree Alexander, Darren Bell, Patricia Brown, Keri Hennessy-Wilson, Matthew Hiefield, Carla Jefferson, Valerie Lewis, Dr. Michael Mills, Dr. Adam Phyall Overview: “As we reimagine and further define digital equity, there’s an increasing need for professional learning opportunities. We’ll facilitate a dialogue about the multiple dimensions of digital equity with the goal of determining actionable steps for K-12 campuses.“ Main Takeaways: *This was a challenging sessions to participate in the VOD format as the primary component of their session was… Read More