Tag: PLN

Summer #EdTech To-Do List

     I recently read a post by Anthony VonBank over at his blog, Clouducation, in which he shared some of his #EdTech suggestions for summer. Since I am an #EdTech lover, my Twitter-Tried-It Challenge is still going on, and I’m now on the ManACE Board, I thought it was a perfect fit for me to create my own #EdTech To-Do List too! (Big thanks to Anthony for the inspiration!) Technology is a given. (2013). Uploaded by Scott McLeod to Flickr. Available online at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mcleod/8399337241/       While most of us can think of countless things we would like to try/work on/update/etc,… Read More

Twitter-Tried-It Challenge Update 2!

The Twitter-Tried-It Challenge, that I introduced on June 6th, has been in place for a little over two weeks now and I’ve been trying so many awesome idea… have you?      In my first Twitter-Tried-In Update I featured Ms Duemm who was the FIRST participant in the challenge.  Since then, she has shared her experience on her blog as well. I definitely recommend that you head over there and check it out because it seems like a really neat project πŸ™‚      I’ve also had Ms Banks, an elementary school Vice-Principal from Manitoba, join up with multiple implementations! She has… Read More

Resources To Start Off Your Week 68

     The Twitter-Tried-It Challenge has been in place for over a week now and while I haven’t gotten a big participation level on the blog, I am hoping that a lot of people are individually participating in their own ways. Right before the weeked I shared the great resources by the mRLC and tweeted it out so hopefully that inspires a few people to try it out!      I know that a lot of my American followers are officially on their summer holidays (lucky ducks) so I wanted to share another resource that is perfect for the holidays and could… Read More

Twitter-Tried-It Challenge Update!

The Twitter-Tried-It Challenge that I introduced on Thursday is in full swing  and I’m happy to announce that, after just 1 day,  I had my first challenge participant! Way to go, Ms Duemm! Iris is a Grade 3 teacher in Ontario, Canada and  I am so happy to have her as my first Twitter-Tried-It participant. If you want to learn more about the Genius Hour strategy that she implemented,  check out the Twitter hashtag #GeniusHour (there is a Twitter chat the first Wednesday of each month) or the Genius Hour Website! __________________________________________________ If you would like to participate in the… Read More

Twitter-Tried-It Challenge!

A while back, I was browsing through Twitter and I came across this tweet by David Moroz: Simple and straightforward… right? Then I did a quick check through my Twitter feed and reviewed some of the many, MANY, ideas I had retweeted over the past few weeks and realized just how few of those ideas I have actually implemented. I know that you can’t do everything at one time, butI am challenging myself and my followers to pick at least ONE THING that they’ve retweeted on Twitter and actually implement in their lives!       It can be a… Read More

You Are What You Tweet!

     Today Tyler and I were discussing infographics and he showed me a tool through Visual.ly that allows you to create a Twitter “Showdown” Comparison! Here is ours πŸ™‚

John Evans: The PLN Mindset

     On Thursday we were lucky enough to have John Evans from Manitoba Education visit our classroom to discuss Professional Learning Networks (PLNs). Teacher’s engage in all types of professional development throughout a given school year and all divisions have a set number of days specifically labelled as Professional Development days. These might include:– In-school meetings that include all the teachers in your school or division   – In-service days   – New school tech systems (Maplewood, Edline, etc)– Out-of-town events that require you to drive to a larger center to meet up with other   teachers in your subject/interest area   –… Read More