Every Friday I share what I believe to be a notable person/organization/school on our social media pages to assist our staff in the development of their online Personal Learning Network. On Monday, February 27th, MVSD staff met divisionally with a majority grouping working with Rick Wormeli on the topic of outcome-based assessment. While I didn’t have an opportunity to personally work with Rick as I was hosting my own sessions with our EA staff, I’ve heard a lot of positive feedback from our staff. Our PD Team has been working to develop a long-term plan with Rick to continue our learning… Read More
WOW Wednesday – Mandy Arnold
On Wednesdays I highlight some of our amazing MVSD staff on our social media pages. Everyday our staff are using tech in new and exciting ways, are learning new skills, and are sharing ways in which ed tech is assisting them in their practice. Earlier in the year I had an opportunity to visit Mackenzie Middle School to discuss their tech-related goals for the year. One of which was to integrate student-run video announcements into their school communication plan. The supervising teacher, Mandy, had operated a similar program at a previous school and had a solid understanding of what was required. To… Read More
#TechTipTuesday – Digital Tools for Student Portfolios
Every Tuesday I share a Tech Tip on our social media pages to assist our staff in their use of technology as it relates to their role. In Manitoba, March is a whirlwind month for educators. We start off strong with a mix of weather systems, jump right into a time-change, and hit the ground running to complete report cards and book parent-teacher interviews before spring break! One of my favourite methods to assist with this is the implementation of student portfolios. Student portfolios can be a fantastic practice in the classroom as they: develop student metacognition selecting exemplars reflecting on their… Read More
March ICT Newsletter
With the start of a new month comes a new monthly ICT newsletter. These newsletters are designed to serve as an outreach to all MVSD staff and provide: general ICT updates (software changes, divisional ICT timelines, tech-themed holidays) upcoming PD for the month tech tips divisional highlights These newsletters are sent out to staff via our divisional email but are also shared out through our social media pages and divisional website. March 2023 ICT Newsletter by Kirsten Cali
Assistive Technology is for Everyone
Every Monday I share a different ed tech quote on our Thompson Classroom social media pages for our staff to consider. Today is one of two division-wide professional development (PD) days in MVSD which will see all school-staff participate in a variety of training sessions hosted at Grandview School. Held virtually for the past few years, this is the first time we will be together face-to-face since 2019. My role will see me working with our middle- and senior-year educational assistants (EAs) in the area of assistive technology. The presentation, which was used in conjunction with live demos, can be viewed below:… Read More
February ICT Newsletter
With the start of a new month comes a new monthly ICT newsletter. These newsletters are designed to serve as an outreach to all MVSD staff and provide: general ICT updates (software changes, divisional ICT timelines, tech-themed holidays) upcoming PD for the month tech tips divisional highlights These newsletters are sent out to staff via our divisional email but are also shared out through our social media pages and divisional website. February 2023 ICT Newsletter by Kirsten Cali
WOW Wednesday
On Wednesdays I highlight some of our amazing MVSD staff on our social media pages. Everyday our staff are using tech in new and exciting ways, are learning new skills, and are sharing ways in which ed tech is assisting them in their practice. Our division is in the midst of a NEW collaborative video project and the clips have started rolling in! These projects serve multiple purposes and are for EVERYONE in all MVSD roles, but for those working directly with students, it allows students an opportunity to take a multi-disciplinary approach to: Literacy with ICT video design framing/shooting/lighting digital collaboration using cloud-based… Read More
January ICT Newsletter
With the start of a new month comes a new monthly ICT newsletter. These newsletters are designed to serve as an outreach to all MVSD staff and provide: general ICT updates (software changes, divisional ICT timelines, tech-themed holidays) upcoming PD for the month tech tips divisional highlights These newsletters are sent out to staff via our divisional email but are also shared out through our social media pages and divisional website. January 2023 ICT Newsletter by Kirsten Cali
Follow Friday – Minecraft Student Ambassadors
Every Friday I share what I believe to be a notable person/organization/school on our social media pages to assist our staff in the development of their online Personal Learning Network. I am thrilled to share that our division now has their very own Minecraft Student Ambassdor organization through Ecole Macneill. This group is comprised of students at the elementary level who are interested in the Minecraft program and work under the supervision of a staff member who has completed the Minecraft Student Ambassador sponsor program through Microsoft. Our students, through this program, have: investigated climate change through the Frozen Planet 2… Read More
PD on the Potty
Near the end of 2019 I implemented the idea of PD on the Potty following a podcast from Kasey Bell. This alternative method of professional development sees the inclusion of fliers placed in staff washroom facilities. Depending on the month these may include: divisional tech reminders upcoming PD opportunities tips & tricks program reviews social media recommendations and more! Not only do these fliers allow you to have a captive audience but they can provide a bridge for staff members who have technology as a barrier in their practice [for these individuals, emails, social media posts, digital resources, etc are inaccessible]. Here… Read More