Although it isn’t something I’ve included on the blog, every Thursday I use our social media pages to share a “Throwback Thursday” post. Sometimes these showcase how ed tech has evolved while others showcase previous posts from my social media feed. This week I shared a post that I had originally published in 2017 from my Grade 10 Geography class. At the time we had been discussing the characteristics of different biomes and while experiencing those biomes first hand would have been ideal we were obviously limited to our geographical location. Our plan involved students: – in small… Read More
2016-2017 DREAM Schedule!!
When I first received my position at “S-School” in 2013 I was over-the-moon excited to get a permanent position in a small rural school that was only a ten minute drive from our home. Although my schedule didn’t exactly match my teachable background I was told that my schedule would eventually included those classes as the years went on. Here we are three years later and I am THRILLED to share that my principal has definitely spoiled me and I will be going back to work in the fall to my dream teaching schedule π I… Read More