Tag: ed resources

Resources To Start Off Your Week 80

     Holy moly, has it really been 3 weeks since I had a Resources To Start Off Your Week post?!? It seems like it has been forever. I have been posting, I just have been posting other awesome things on Mondays… Anyways, today is Thanksgiving and I was reminded of how thankful I am for all of the amazing people who are willing to share their ideas and experiences online. To honour this, I wanted to make sure that I shared some resources with you! As always, I will be adding these to my lists of resources under the Fav… Read More

Resources To Start Off Your Week 79

     You might have noticed that a lot of my posts lately have discussed the math classes that I am teaching. Of the 6 courses, I have 3 math classes (Grade 8, 9 & 10). As such, here are two AWESOME math-related resources to start off your week! As always, I will be adding these to my lists of resources under the Fav Websites heading. 1 ) Resource Lists To Accompany Grade 8: Math Makes Sense– If your school has the Math Makes Sense set of textbooks from Pearson  then you might find this website really helpful! The Hastings & Prince … Read More

Resources To Start Off Your Week 78

     We are now entering our second full week of school and I am getting into our first units with each of my classes. The following resources are resources that I am actually using with my classes this week! I am excited to share theses resources with you and hope you enjoy them as much as me and my students do πŸ™‚ As always, I will be adding these to my lists of resources under the Fav Websites heading. 1 ) Ecosystem Labeling– This interactive, from the University of Alberta, allows students to  explore a virtual ecosystem and answer… Read More

Resources To Start Off Your Week 77

     Week two is underway and I wanted to share some of the neat resources I’ve been sitting on for a while. With school on now it seems like I haven’t posted a resources post in FOREVER but in actuality I only missed one week because last week I posted my classroom reveal. If time flies by like it is, it will be June before I know it (scary thought)! As always, I will be adding these to my lists of resources under the Fav Websites heading. 1 ) 4Mula Fun Math Blog– This is a new blog that… Read More

Resources To Start Off Your Week 76

     It is here; my first week “working” as a teacher! Now, I put “working” in quotations because the teachers in our division aren’t actually back until next Tuesday, but any new teaching staff starts their orientation this week (including both me and my fiance!). While I have been in my classroom sporadically over the past two weeks, I will now be there full-time when I am not in meetings with our divisional staff. I am very excited to get the final touches complete so that I can do a big reveal and be ready for students. As of… Read More

Water Systems Resources

     Here is the LAST resources post for my series of resources for the Grade 8 Science curriculum. With school starting right around the corner, I hope you can find these resources useful! If you missed my posts for the first three units of study, visit the following posts: – Cells & Systems – Optics – Fluids Water Cycle Song. (2011). Uploaded to YouTube by Mr. Parr. Available online at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3BVa7PH_JE      I really enjoyed planning out this unit for two reasons: I have a Geography minor and our province has experienced drastic flooding over the past few years.… Read More

Summer #EdTech To-Do List Revisited

     At the beginning of the summer (oh geez, was that already 2 months ago!?) I shared my Summer #EdTech To-Do List inspired by a blog post by Anthony Vonbank. For the last five summers I have always worked two jobs to pay for the upcoming year’s school tuition, so I always considered myself very busy. This is my first summer since Grade 8 that I haven’t worked at all during the summer! I thought that this would mean that I wouldn’t be busy and was actually worried that I might be bored! HAHA! With the wedding, honeymoon, and planning for… Read More

Resources To Start Off Your Week 75

     I am both excited and nervous as I write this post as it is my LAST Resources To Start Off Your Week post before I am back at school. Next week I begin my new teacher orientation although students will not return to classes until September 5th. When I first started these posts in January of 2011 I never thought that I’d still be doing them when I was preparing my first classroom! As always, I will be adding these to my ever-growing list of resources under the Fav Websites heading. 1 ) Math is Fun– This website… Read More

Fluids Resources

     This post is the third in my series of resources that align with the Grade 8 Science curriculum. (Previously in the summer, I posted a similar series for the Grade 7 Science curriculum.) Each post shares the resources I compiled for a particular unit that I will be covering throughout the year. If you missed my first two posts in the Grade 8 Science series, you can find them at:– Cells & Systems Resources– Optics Resources Easy Hydraulic Machines Screenshot. (2012). Uploaded to Instructables by Lance from Workshop for Young Engineers. Available online at: http://www.instructables.com/id/Easy-Hydraulic-Machines/      My… Read More

Resources To Start Off Your Week 74

     This week I am really excited to have found some really practical resources that I know I can use right away in the classroom. I found one for math, one for art, and one for the general classroom! With there only being a few weeks left before school begins I am really happy to have found such applicable resources. As always, I will be adding these to my lists of resources under the Fav Websites heading. 1 ) Graphing Stories– This project by Dan Meyer & BuzzMath is a neat, engaging way to  practice graphing with your students. This… Read More