Tag: 2 Stars & a Wish

2 Stars & A Wish: Week 4

     I can’t believe that September is already done!! School has already been 1/10 completed and there is only a few short weeks before my first experience writing my own report cards! Everything seems to be going by so quickly and I am so thankful for my blog and the reflection opportunity it provides me. With month 1 done, two things that I am proud of this week are: 1 ) Having My Grade 8s Plan Their 2nd Blog!– That’s right, with only a week under their belts, my Grade 8s  asked if they could begin blogging for their math class… Read More

2 Stars & A Wish: Week 3

     I am now in a solid routine with all six of my classes and am feeling a lot more comfortable than I was in the first week of school. I even took advantage of my first pay cheque and bought a brand new pair of black Dr. Scholl’s flats that are SO comfortable and perfect for any teacher!      Two things that I am proud of this week are: 1 ) Having My Grade 8 Class Launch Their 1st Blog!– This week my Grade 8 Science class launched their first blog! As an  avid blogger for almost 2 years,… Read More

2 Stars & A Wish: Week 2

     My first full week as a teacher is under my belt and I am feeling really happy to be getting into a routine (both in the classroom and in my personal life). Things are progressing like I expected, more-or-less, and I’ve managed to work around some of the obstacles that can be thrown at teachers like:– New students joining the class late– Fire drills– Broken photocopiers– Tech break-downs, etc      All-in-all things have been going really well and it is hard to express just how rewarding this job can be. I feel blessed to have such a… Read More

2 Stars & A Wish: Week 1

     During my last student teaching placement I began completing a “2 Stars & A Wish” posts every week where I would reflect on the events of the week, mention two things that I was proud of, and identify one area to work on in the following week. As my my Professional Growth Plan, this is a practice that I want to maintain throughout the school year as well.       If you aren’t a teacher, it could seem silly to be writing a reflection for the first “week” when we only actually had students for two days. Those… Read More