Tag: 2 Stars & a Wish

2 Stars & A Wish: Week 28

     With Spring Break come and gone, we are on our last stretch of school before summer holidays and I know that these next three months are going to go by very quickly! It is hard to believe that at this time last year, I was student teaching here and nervously hoping that a job opening would come up. That time only seems like a few short months ago and it is mind-boggling to think about how it has already been a year!      I didn’t write a reflection the last two weeks as it was our Parent-Teacher interviews and Spring… Read More

2 Stars & A Wish: Week 26

     After two weeks of battling bronchitis-like symptoms* I am finally feeling better and this week felt like a fresh start! (*I have no idea if I actually had bronchitis because I couldn’t get into the doctors office). Not only did I hit the ground running in regards to my lesson plans and classroom activities, but our report cards were due for review this Friday as they go home with students this upcoming Monday. Thank goodness I was feeling better because this week definitely had some stressful moments, but two things that I think went well this week were: 1 )… Read More

2 Stars & A Wish: Week 25

     This week actually represented my shortest teaching week on record due to extracurricular activities, meetings, and illnesses.– Tuesday was our Grade 7-12 Ski Trip to a downhill ski hill   approximately 2 hours away (a gorgeous day where I got to  snowboard with my students!)– Wednesday I attended a meeting at our Division Office– Thursday I had my first sick day all year after battling  bronchitis-like symptoms for almost two weeksAs such, I feel like I wasn’t able to accomplish much this week. I am hoping to hit the ground running on Monday, however, as spring break is only a… Read More

2 Stars & A Wish: Week 24

     I haven’t reflected formally through a “2 Stars & A Wish” post in quite some time and it is something that I would like to get back into. While I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting informally throughout my lessons, at the end of the day, etc I feel like I benefit more when I take the time to write out my thoughts and get feedback from those around me. As such, two things that I think went well this week were: 1 ) Having my Gr 8 Students Pass 3,000 Pageviews on Their Blog!– My Grade 8 students… Read More

2 Stars & a Wish: Week 14

     This past week represented my shortest teaching week this year as I was away both Tuesday and Wednesday at a math conference. While I enjoyed the PD opportunity, and learnt a lot of effective strategies, it is a lot of work to be away from your classroom for so long. I came back to what felt like chaos since my room was no longer organized to my expectations (I may be a tad OCD) and not all of my students behaved the way they do while I am present. I had several students deviate from routines and fail to hand-in… Read More

2 Stars & a Wish: Week 13

     Tis’ the season! December is upon us and there is only 15 teaching days left until Christmas holidays. Technically it is even less since I am away at a conference 2 days this week and we have some spirit activities in the last week that will take away from class time. Again I fell off the reflection-bandwagon due to the craziness that is report cards & parent-teach interviews but I am committed to keeping with this! Two things that I think went well this week are: 1) Incorporating Student Suggestions in My Grade 10 Class– Shortly after report cards… Read More

2 Stars & a Wish: Week 9

*Unfortunately, I do not have a reflection for Week 8 as I was on a hiatus/break haha.      November is upon us and reality is beginning to hit home. Number one, report cards are due in 10 days…. Number two, my first parent-teacher interviews are in 15 days… Number three, there are only 34 teaching days left until Christmas! Seriously, was it not just the first day of school last week?!? I guess the only thing to do is take a deep breathe and take one day at a time. In the mean time, here are some things that I think went… Read More

2 Stars & A Wish: Week 7

 This weeks started our back-to-back short weeks as Monday of this week was Thanksgiving and this upcoming Friday is our provincial professional development day, S.A.G.E. This week seemed to go by very quickly even though I didn’t actually teach that much. Most of my classes are nearing the end of their units and I had 2 classes write their unit tests on Friday. Two things that I think went really well this week are: 1 ) Introducing Formal Lab Reports in Science– We have been working with the Scientific Method since the beginning of’   the school year and we have… Read More

2 Stars & A Wish: Week 6

     Twas’ the week before the long weekend… That’s right, it is Thanksgiving this weekend! Not only that, but it is also our community’s big rodeo event and our school’s Spirit Week. All together, this resulted in our student’s having that “Friday afternoon” mentality ALL week long! It was a bit of a nut house, but we all made it through unscathed. Two things that went really well this week are: 1 ) Having My First Evaluation!– On Monday I had my very first evaluation as a first year teacher.  I was asked to submit a list of possible dates… Read More

2 Stars & A Wish: Week 5

     September is behind us and here is my first 2 Stars & A Wish post of October. Teachers always say that the year goes by so quickly and I definitely understand that now! It honestly seems like yesterday was the first day of school and it is almost already Thanksgiving. Two things that went well this week are:  1 ) Reinforcing our Risk Free Environment Policy– I do not have a formal list of rules in my classroom, but I do  have a Risk Free Environment Policy that reads as follows:  “Our classroom does not discriminate on the basis of disability,… Read More