
Resources to Start Off Your Week 27

     I am so excited about this week’s resource that I found! I’ve been posting lots of ed resources over the past 27 weeks but what I haven’t really considered is how difficult it may be for some teachers to figure them out. I know that there have been some resources where I have had to spend A LOT of time figuring them out. This week’s resource can solve that problem once and for all!      As always, I will be adding this to my list of Fav Websites. Under 10 Minutes: How to Use Education Technology Quickly– New to… Read More

Newbies Blog Hop

     If you haven’t heard yet I am midly ridiculously obsessed with teaching blogs! After blog stocking for a few months I decided to begin my own and Miss L’ Whole Brain Teaching blog was born! Six months after that I was offered a position with Whole Brain Teaching as an Official WBT Blog Bug and my blog obsession was launched even further.      I LOVE how education blogs offer endless learning opportunities for teachers and their students. I can’t even imagine how teacher’s did all of this before the internet, I’d be lost! In the spirit of things I… Read More

WBT Blog Bug Highlight: SUPER Super Improvers Walls

     As I make my way through all of the wonderful WBT Blogs out there I can definitely say that a major topic over the past three weeks has been the Super Improvers Wall (SIW). If you are not familiar with this behavioural management strategy, the Super Improvers Wall is a fun and long-lasting method used to increase student motivation WITHOUT pinning students against one another.      Check out these amazing Super Improvers Wall (SIW) posts from some of my favourite WBT bloggers. Melissa over at Mrs. Smith’s 1st Grade Class has put together a gorgeous SIW to match her… Read More

WBT Certification Update!

     A little under a month ago I added a brand new tab to my blog titled Whole Brain Teaching Certification where I’ve been posting links to the blog and forum posts I’ve been submitting for certification.      Well since then I have still been actively working towards certification and trying to write posts about some of the theories behind WBT as well as specific strategies. I am happy to announce that I am almost at a THOUSAND certification points, yay!! Unfortunately I am unable to complete the video requirement until I begin student teaching in October so it will… Read More

Whole Brain Teaching Wednesday! Emotions, Memory & Learning

“I think it is all a matter of love; the more you love a memory the stronger and stronger it becomes” ― Vladimir Nabokov      Think back to your time in the classroom as a student…. do you remember what you learned on that specific Tuesday of Grade 10, what your teacher wore in June, all the steps in a logarithmic equation or how many assignments you completed during a certain week, probably not. Most likely, you’ll remember the highs, how you scored a 98% on that one exam you spent hours studying for or winning the volleyball championship, and… Read More

Resources to Start Off Your Week 26

     Ok I realize that it is Tuesday not Monday, we were away this weekend and I came home to find that life had caught up with me! Sorry to all of you who were waiting for a post yesterday, I broke the number 1 blog rule and wasn’t consistent!! After some intense grocery shopping, laundry, work, cleaning, homework, etc I am feeling a little bit more caught up.      Here are the resources I found this week, as always, I will be adding them to my lists of Fav Websites. 1 ) Imagine All the Water– Did you know… Read More

Whole Brain Teaching Wednesday! WBT in High School

Can Whole Brain Teaching be used in a high school setting? Here are some concerned comments I’ve pulled off the WBT Forum. “I like what I’ve seen so far with WBT but can see how older kids might think it’s beneath them.“ “I like the idea behind this educational approach but I’m a little concerned that these techniques will be “too young” for my students.“ “ I’m very very VERY nervous about student ‘buy-in,’ particularly at the beginning of the year.” “My concern is that high school students would find this technique too silly and ridiculous… high schoolers are “insanely”… Read More

WBT Live Chat!

The wonderful Nancy Stoltenberg, Director of WBT Certification, has asked myself and my lovely blogging colleagues Misty and Melissa to be part of tonight’s WBT Live Chat! In addition to discussion about the new WBT Grade Level Facebook team challenge we will be helping answer any of your WBT Blogging questions. Join us TONIGHT for a WBT Live Chat (text only, no video this time). Here is the newsletter invite sent out by Coach B: To meet grade level teammates live, join Nancy Stoltenberg, Director of WBT Certification, this Tuesday, July 10 for a special, text only, electronic get together… Read More

Resources to Start Off Your Week 25

I found some great resources this week! With summer holidays in full force, for most of us, these resources can be the perfect thing to add to your arsenal of supplies before school starts back up.  As always, I will be adding these resources to my lists of Fav Websites. 1 ) Technology Tailgate– This network of blogs features daily posts on the best tech applications   for the classroom. With posts written by 15 teachers, you can always   find the best tech information for the classroom!* Definitely a must-add to my list of Best Resources for Finding Resources! –… Read More

100 Follower Giveaway Winner!!

Its been a busy week and my 100 Follower Giveaway contest is officially over! I want to send another BIG thank-you to all the wonderful ladies who sponsored the giveaway and offered up some amazing prizes, please check out their blogs if you haven’t already: – Farrah at Mrs. Shipley’s Fabulous Firsties – Julie at Southern Teacher WBT – Misty at Think, Wonder & Teach – Amanda & Catherine at Teacher’s Clubhouse –  Melissa at WBT with Scrapbunny   I had 30 comments on the 100 Follower Giveaway post, however, only 26 comments were official entries. I used a Random… Read More