
Resources To Start Off Your Week 49

     Term 2 is well underway and I am excited to be sharing some new Resource To Start Off Your Week! As always, I will be adding these to my lists of favourite resources under the Fav Websites heading. 1 ) Easy Moza– Easy Moza is an easy-to-use online tool that allows you to make photo  mosaics using hundreds of your own photographs. I think this is so neat  and you could use it to create interesting mosaics for any number of  projects or subjects!– Thank you to a fellow blogger, Mr. L, for introducing me to this  resource.*… Read More

Quick Law 2

     The following are the case studies that will be reviewed in my Educator and the Law course this week: Quick Law 2 Tannahill, Julie. (2008). “Sniffer Dog Violates Student’s Privacy”.Overview:– The school had a zero tolerance policy for drugs & alcohol, as such, the   principal invited the local police to search the school with use of “sniffer dogs”– While police searched the school, students & teachers were informed via the   PA system and were instructed in remain in the classroom during the search– A backpack in the gym was found to have bags of marijuana, other drugs and … Read More

John Evans: The PLN Mindset

     On Thursday we were lucky enough to have John Evans from Manitoba Education visit our classroom to discuss Professional Learning Networks (PLNs). Teacher’s engage in all types of professional development throughout a given school year and all divisions have a set number of days specifically labelled as Professional Development days. These might include:– In-school meetings that include all the teachers in your school or division   – In-service days   – New school tech systems (Maplewood, Edline, etc)– Out-of-town events that require you to drive to a larger center to meet up with other   teachers in your subject/interest area   –… Read More

1 Year Blogiversary Celebration Winner!!

Its been a busy first week back at university and my and my  1 Year Blogiversary Celebration contest is officially over! I want to send out another BIG, gigantic, thank-you  everyone who made my first year of blogging so awesome! I had 27 comments on the 1 Year Blogiversary post, however, only 24 comments were official entries. I used a Random Number Generator and voila, comment 23 (of the entry comments) is the winner!! Congrats Maria, I am sending an email your way πŸ™‚ Thank you to everyone who entered and is supporting me through my blogging adventure!

Internet for Educators – Welcome

     Welcome New Readers!      One of the courses I am taking this semester is Internet for Educators, which I introduced yesterday. One of the course requirements includes blogging on a regular basis about important issues related to ICT and education as well as guest speakers who will be visiting our class.       My posts specifically for this course will be labelled “internet for ed” and can be easily pulled up by clicking on “internet for ed” under the LABELS heading on the right side of the page.      If you are new to my blog,… Read More

Back to School & Quick Law 1

     I am officially back at school for my LAST semester of university before graduation and I can’t believe that I am finally in the last four months of my six year program! It is safe to say that the graduation countdown has officially started. This semester we have two months of classes followed by two months of student teaching and… that is it! I don’t even count student teaching as school because it is what I love, so I’m really only counting down two months until I get to be back in the classroom!      This semester… Read More

Resources to Start Off Your Week 48

     I am pretty excited to be sharing my first Resources to Start Off Your Week post of the 2013 year! Plus it is my 200th post! I am pretty proud to announce that through these posts I have officially found and shared over 160 awesome resources that can be used in the classroom πŸ™‚ If you haven’t had an opportunity to check out some of these resources, I always add them all to my lists of resources under the Fav Websites heading.      My lists of resources include almost 200 annotated entries including:– 31 under the Social Studies… Read More

EduCon 2.5

     If your New Year’s Resolution and/or Professional Growth Plan involved anything to do with education (and I bet it did) then you should definitely check out the 2013 EduCon Conference, EduCon 2.5, in Philadelphia. I was first introduced to this conference last year via my amazing PLN on Twitter and participated in two sessions, known as “conversations”. (You can read my review here)      Here is a description of the event from their website:     “Educon is both a conversation and a conference.     It is an innovation conference where we can come together, both in person… Read More

1 Year Blogiversary Celebration!

     A little more than a year ago I decided that I wanted to begin blogging about what I was learning during my education degree and a few days later I officially launched my first ever blog! One year later I am still blogging regularly and can officially say that I accomplished my 2012 New Year’s Resolution (I don’t think I’ve ever accomplished one before).      I saw a lot of people posting their blog stats in their New Year’s posts so I thought it might be interesting to share some of mine. Here are some stats that I feel… Read More

January Currently

     Of course with it being a new year and a new month we also have a new “Currently” post! If you haven’t encountered a “Currently” post before, it is just a fun post at the beginning of each month that serves as a way to share what is Currently going on in your life! You can link up and share your own “Currently” post by visiting the wonderful Farley over at Oh’ Boy 4th Grade.