
Resources To Start Off Your Week 62

     Today is my first Resources To Start Off Your Week post as an official teacher! Ok, well I don’t officially start until the fall but I am still very excited so I think it still counts 🙂 This week I’ve found three general resources that can be used for a variety of subjects and topics. As always, I will be adding these to my lists of resources under the Fav Websites heading. 1 ) How To Create An Awesome Infographic– Infographics are sprouting up everywhere online and they can be a  great addition to any lesson. With infographics… Read More

May Currently

     So I’ve been told by quite a few people that it is officially May! A lot of my blog friends in the United States have been sharing that they are entering their last few weeks of classes before they head into their summer breaks. I find this absolutely mind boggling because this is what May looks like if you live in central Manitoba, Canada.      Yes, I took that picture YESTERDAY! For us, May has looked very snowy and has definitely not made me think about summertime yet. If anyone is keeping track…. we are now on… Read More

Roller Coaster Week

Trying my best to look like I’m NOT sick! It may only be Wednesday but this week has been a crazy roller coaster for me so far. On Monday I was set to interview at “S-School” and, of course, I woke up with a fever of 101 and sick to my stomach! Even though I wasn’t feeling good there was no way I was going to miss the opportunity so I went into school and interviewed. I was very happy to be interviewing right at “S-School” which made me feel more comfortable since I’ve been student teaching at the school… Read More

Interview Question Prep

     A few days ago I posted that there were two jobs being posted at “S-School” and I am so happy to say that I received an interview! On Monday at 9am I will be sitting down with the division superintendent, principal and a school board member to officially interview for the positions. To prepare I’ve tried to pick some top questions that I feel will help me answer questions effectively. To do so I’ve:– Gone through the information from my university classes– Searched online– Asked my PLN on Twitter/Facebook/etc– Taken information from our universities career fair– Reviewed information from “S-School” staff meetings–… Read More

The Dust Bowl… by Wikipedia

     This week my Grade 11/12 Agriculture class has been putting the finishing touches on their Dust Bowl “mini-museum displays”. My students were responsible for finding some type of media (photo or video), creating some type of artifact and completing a written report. Here is how their project was set up. The Greatest Dust Bowl  Photograph Witnessing the Dust Bowl Dust-Phenomena P.S.A Dust Bowl Citizen Trading Card From the Dust Bowl, With Love Agricultural Causes & Effects of the Dust Bowl Row 1 = media Row 2 = artifacts Row 3 = written report Students had their choice of… Read More

The Job Hunt is On!

Last week I was approached by the principal at “S-School” who let me know that two jobs were being posted in the school! I was so excited when I went into the staff room and saw these hanging on the bulletin board. Here is what the two jobs are posted as: – Grade 7-10 Science and Social Studies Teacher, Full Time Permanent – Family Studies and Resource Teacher, Full Time Permanent After spending both my third and fourth student teaching placements at “S-School” I’ve grown to love the students, staff, and learning environment that is present. I am so excited that there… Read More

Resources To Start Off Your Week 61

     Happy Monday everyone! Does it look like Spring yet where you are? Here in Manitoba, Mondays are getting pretty depressing as we are starting ANOTHER week with snow 🙁 I have about a ten-by-ten patch in my yard where it has melted but in most areas we still have well over a foot of snow still. Here’s hoping that spring catches up soon! The good news is that we still have awesome ed resources to make us smile 🙂 As always, I will be adding these to my list of resources under the Fav Websites heading. Good Video… Read More

2 Stars & A Wish: Finishing on Time

     My fifth week of student teaching is all finished up which means that I officially have two weeks left to wrap up my units and complete final assessments with my students!  A reoccurring theme during this placement has definitely been a lack of time and this week was no exception. This week we only had a four-day week because of a division-wide PD day on Friday and on Thursday our high school students were away at a local career fair. Unfortunately, this meant that I really only had three teaching days instead of the five that I would… Read More

Dr. Kathie Nunley Part 2: Layered Curriculum

     *The following is Part 2 of a two-part reflection on a PD session I attended by Dr. Kathie Nunley. Part 1 of this reflection on, A Student’s Brain, can be found by following the highlighted link.      Layered Curriculum, developed by Dr. Kathie Nunley, is an instructional method based specifically on her work with neuroscience and how the adolescent brain functions. It is developed as a means to effectively meet the needs of the adolescent learner by taking into account how the brain processes information and reacts to various stimuli. One very important factor in this method… Read More

Dr. Kathie Nunley Part 1: A Student's Brain

Today all the teachers and support staff in “T-Division” had the opportunity to attend a PD session with Dr. Kathie Nunley, an educator and brain-image researcher from the eastern US. I was immediately excited because I have always been really interested in how to engage different parts of our student’s brains and differentiate instruction to best meet their individual learning styles/needs. I can definitely say that I was not disappointed by this PD session! Dr. Nunley is not only just extremely knowledgeable about her subject area but is also a very humorous and engaging speaker (I spent a great deal of the… Read More