This summer I was introduced to the idea of Interactive Notebooks in math class through Jennifer at 4mula Fun. As a first year math teacher, I’m always looking for different assessment ideas and the setup of Interactive Notebooks seemed like an interesting instructional method that would provide an easy assessment option for me. Fast forward to the end of September and I’ve officially implemented Interactive Notebooks (INB) into all three of my math classes at the Grade 8, 9 & 10 levels. After searching through different edublogs I’ve found a lot of different ways in which teachers are using… Read More
Resources To Start Off Your Week 79
You might have noticed that a lot of my posts lately have discussed the math classes that I am teaching. Of the 6 courses, I have 3 math classes (Grade 8, 9 & 10). As such, here are two AWESOME math-related resources to start off your week! As always, I will be adding these to my lists of resources under the Fav Websites heading. 1 ) Resource Lists To Accompany Grade 8: Math Makes Sense– If your school has the Math Makes Sense set of textbooks from Pearson then you might find this website really helpful! The Hastings & Prince … Read More
2 Stars & A Wish: Week 3
I am now in a solid routine with all six of my classes and am feeling a lot more comfortable than I was in the first week of school. I even took advantage of my first pay cheque and bought a brand new pair of black Dr. Scholl’s flats that are SO comfortable and perfect for any teacher! Two things that I am proud of this week are: 1 ) Having My Grade 8 Class Launch Their 1st Blog!– This week my Grade 8 Science class launched their first blog! As an avid blogger for almost 2 years,… Read More
ManACE Board Meeting
This Friday I attended my very first meeting as a ManACE board meeting. I was very excited as I hadn’t had an opportunity to meet a lot of our board members yet and I was looking forward to connecting with more educators who were interested in the same things as me. The meeting took place at St. John’s Ravencourt (SJR) in Winnipeg & I really enjoyed touring the beautiful campus and seeing some of the differences between the public and private education systems in Manitoba. This was my first experience with Manitoba’s private education system and it was definitely… Read More
Welcoming My Grade 8's to the Blogging World!
Today my Grade 8 Science class joined the blogging world with the official launch of Mrs. T’s Classroom! They will be using their blog to:– Share their learning with an authentic audience– Catch up on lessons that were missed due to absences– Review lessons to get a better understanding– Connect with other classrooms around the world– Integrate multimedia of all descriptions (text, images, videos, podcasts)– Practice responsible digital citizenship– Receive feedback on their thoughts To celebrate we had a full-out Launch Party complete with whole-school announcements, a count-down to our first post, a visit from our… Read More
Resources To Start Off Your Week 78
We are now entering our second full week of school and I am getting into our first units with each of my classes. The following resources are resources that I am actually using with my classes this week! I am excited to share theses resources with you and hope you enjoy them as much as me and my students do π As always, I will be adding these to my lists of resources under the Fav Websites heading. 1 ) Ecosystem Labeling– This interactive, from the University of Alberta, allows students to explore a virtual ecosystem and answer… Read More
2 Stars & A Wish: Week 2
My first full week as a teacher is under my belt and I am feeling really happy to be getting into a routine (both in the classroom and in my personal life). Things are progressing like I expected, more-or-less, and I’ve managed to work around some of the obstacles that can be thrown at teachers like:– New students joining the class late– Fire drills– Broken photocopiers– Tech break-downs, etc All-in-all things have been going really well and it is hard to express just how rewarding this job can be. I feel blessed to have such a… Read More
Teaching Truths I'm Learning The Hard Way
It has officially been one week since school started and I couldn’t be happier with how things are going. I am so happy to be part of such a supportive staff and spending time with such amazing students! Overall, I am feeling confident in my planning, curriculum, and management… but I don’t think I was actually prepared for how busy teaching is! I spent a HUGE amount of time this summer planning and I am very organized. I have my supplies and plans in place, I have back up plans… and yet there is still just SO much… Read More
Missing Work Log
When I was student teaching I always had one, two, or more, students who didn’t get their assignment in on time. A lot of times, I would find that I would only get assignments in at the end of my student teaching placement because of the fact that they absolutely HAD to have them in because I was leaving and there was no other options after that. – I tried giving students choice in their assignments so that it would be more meaningful for them,– I tried giving flexible deadlines,– I tried offering assignment assistance at lunch hour… Read More
Resources To Start Off Your Week 77
Week two is underway and I wanted to share some of the neat resources I’ve been sitting on for a while. With school on now it seems like I haven’t posted a resources post in FOREVER but in actuality I only missed one week because last week I posted my classroom reveal. If time flies by like it is, it will be June before I know it (scary thought)! As always, I will be adding these to my lists of resources under the Fav Websites heading. 1 ) 4Mula Fun Math Blog– This is a new blog that… Read More