Follow Friday – BYTE Conference

On Fridays, I share what I believe to be a notable person/organization/school on our social media pages to assist our staff in the development of their online Personal Learning Network.

A new calendar year is upon us and that can only mean one thing…. the countdown has started for the BYTE Conference! This conference holds a special place in my heart as it was not only the first large ed conference that I attended as a B.Ed student but it was also the start of my presentation experience. Since that time I have been able to attend 10 of the conferences, presented multiple times, and am thrilled to have joined the planning team for this year’s event! You can read about some of my past BYTE experiences by clicking here.
BYTE has a presence on both X/Twitter and Instagram and BYTE participants always do a good job on continuing the conversation through the #bytemb hashtag. To get a sense of what to expect at this year’s events, I recommend giving those links a follow!
In addition to being onsite as part of the planning team, I will also be cheering on our local MVSD presenters, and presenting one session of my own on the area of AI.
Register today on EventBrite!
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