WOW Wednesday – ELA PLC

On Wednesdays, I highlight some of our amazing MVSD staff on our social media pages. Every day our staff are using tech in new and exciting ways, are learning new skills, and are sharing ways in which ed tech is assisting them in their practice.

In Mountain View School Division our Department of Curriculum and Assessment helps to facilitate a Personal Learning Community (PLC) for various brackets of staff. One of our PLCs is organized for our ELA teachers at the High School level. On Friday, November 8th, I had an opportunity to join this group here at our Division Office to share about artificial intelligence. This PD was a continuation of a staff coaching cycle that had started in MVSD in the spring of 2023 which meant that some participants had already started their learning on this topic but, for some, this was our first time working together.
We spent the afternoon together working on developing a shared understanding of:
- What is AI and how does it work
- Capabilities and limitations of AI
- This was specifically presented within the context of generative AI by using education-related examples
- AI within Manitoba
- Framing the use of AI within existing policies and procedures that apply to Manitoba educators
This group is now going to take their understanding, apply it to their practice as an educator, and work on developing collaborative lesson plans that allow for students to explore aspects of AI. They will be meeting again in February to continue this work and I’m so excited to see where they go with this.