Follow Friday – Manitoba Scholastic ESports Association (MSEA)

Follow Friday – Manitoba Scholastic ESports Association (MSEA)

On Fridays, I share what I believe to be a notable person/organization/school on our social media pages to assist our staff in the development of their online Personal Learning Network.

Manitoba Schools eSports Association – MSEA. (2022). Uploaded by Kirsten Thompson. Available online at:

With this month playing host to National Video Games Day I thought it was only fitting to showcase the Manitoba School eSports Association (MSEA) for this week’s Follow Friday.

” Manitoba School Esports Association is a not-for-profit organization committed to connecting, informing, and supporting competitive gaming in schools across Manitoba. MSEA is an amalgamation of the former MYEMB (Middle Years Esport Manitoba) and MHSeA (Manitoba High School eSports Association). With the expansion of esports in Manitoba, MSEA was developed to bring all scholastic esports under the same organization.

MSEA exists to support schools to provide the opportunity to help students develop 21st Century Skills while promoting well-being and community belonging through competitive gaming. Melissa Burns, the founder of MYEMB, set out to support educatorsadministrators, and parents in creating these spaces for students to grow.”

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