Summer 2024 Tech PD

Summer 2024 Tech PD

Happy New Year!

For those involved in education, fall time is our new year and we are ramping up for the whirlwind that is September.

When it comes to the ICT Department, my technicians have been hard at work ALL summer:

  • performing maintenance on all infrastructure and hardware
  • school organization surrounding the hosting of the MB Summer Games
  • inventorying and setting up new equipment
  • setting up classrooms and new office/education spaces

As we approach the end of August, we are also preparing for our summer PD series which will include:

  • Maximizing Office 365
    • Overview of the platform: features, log-in tips, navigation, mobile apps, new updates for the 24/25 school year
    • Review of the O365 programs for professional and instructional use
    • Microsoft learning tools
  • New Staff Mentorship
    • Distribution of divisional devices
    • Login and navigation of divisional platforms
    • Applicable ICT policies
  • AI in Education
    • Introduction to artificial intelligence and how current programs differ from those in the past
    • AI program options: student-use, staff-use, capabilities, and limitations
    • AI considerations: AUP, copyright, ethics
  • Tech Support Sessions
    • One-to-one or small-group sessions
    • By appointment
    • Individualized support for staff to meet tech goals unique to their PGP and context

This is a busy week for everyone across the division but it is one marked by enthusiasm and a sense of renewal. I always look forward to welcoming people back, catching up, and learning about how my department can support them in the upcoming year.

What are you doing to prep for the upcoming school year?

I'd love to hear your thoughts; please leave a comment!