WOW Wednesday – Ashley Osachoff

WOW Wednesday – Ashley Osachoff

On Wednesdays, I highlight some of our amazing MVSD staff on our social media pages. Every day our staff are using tech in new and exciting ways, are learning new skills, and are sharing ways in which ed tech is assisting them in their practice.

This week I am so excited to highlight Ashley as they are the first MVSD staff member to take advantage of the MAETL STEAM Library and bring drones to their building of Goose Lake High! Back in April I had an opportunity to co-teach with Ashley when I joined her class as part of our National Robotics Week tour. At this time, we started brainstorming different tech integration options to align with the Grade 10 Science curriculum, in which Ashley was prepping for the unit on physics. Following this conversation, an inquiry was made to MAETL who arranged to have their new Tello Drones personally delivered to Ashley in Roblin!

The unit, which is titled in the Manitoba curriculum as “In Motion”, is so fun and lends itself to a lot of hands-on experimentation. The inclusion of the drones brought a whole new spin to the experience! While MAETL provides tech support on the use of the drones, AI can be used to help align these tools within the context of the curriculum. After consultation with the Grade 10 Manitoba science curriculum, the following prompt was input into AI:

I will be using Tello Drones to help Grade 10 students understand components of the Manitoba science curriculum. Draft how the drones can assist with the following learning outcomes: Experiment to illustrate the effects of inertia in collisions, Describe qualitatively how force is related to motion, Investigate and describe qualitatively Newton’s Third Law, Define momentum and impulse and qualitatively relate impulse to change in momentum for everyday situations, Investigate the conservation of energy in a motor vehicle collision, Investigate conditions that illustrate the effects of friction on motion

The following output was provided. Remember, this can serve as a starting point and the educator is responsible for checking for curricular accuracy, safety considerations, and appropriate device usage.

1. Experiment to Illustrate the Effects of Inertia in Collisions


  • Setup: Create a simple obstacle course where drones need to navigate around objects.
  • Experiment: Fly the drones at different speeds toward a stationary object (e.g., a foam block). Observe and record how the drones come to a stop or bounce off the object.
  • Learning Points:
    • Inertia: Discuss how the drones’ resistance to change in their state of motion (inertia) is evident when they collide with the object.
    • Observations: Note how drones moving at higher speeds exhibit greater inertia, resulting in more significant effects during collisions.

2. Describe Qualitatively How Force is Related to Motion


  • Setup: Equip the drones with small weights and have them fly a set distance.
  • Experiment: Change the amount of force (throttle) applied to the drones and observe how it affects their motion.
  • Learning Points:
    • Force and Acceleration: Discuss how increasing the throttle (force) makes the drone accelerate faster.
    • Newton’s Second Law: Relate the observed acceleration to the force applied, demonstrating 𝐹=𝑚𝑎F=ma (Force equals mass times acceleration).

3. Investigate and Describe Qualitatively Newton’s Third Law


  • Setup: Pair up drones to fly towards each other and engage in a controlled “bump” using their propeller guards.
  • Experiment: Observe the reaction when the drones collide gently.
  • Learning Points:
    • Action and Reaction: Explain Newton’s Third Law by highlighting how each drone exerts an equal and opposite force on the other during the collision.
    • Examples: Discuss real-world applications of action and reaction forces, like rocket launches.

4. Define Momentum and Impulse and Qualitatively Relate Impulse to Change in Momentum for Everyday Situations


  • Setup: Use drones to fly at different speeds and then perform sudden stops using hand gestures or controls.
  • Experiment: Measure and compare the stopping distances and times.
  • Learning Points:
    • Momentum: Define momentum (𝑝=𝑚𝑣p=mv) and relate it to the mass and velocity of the drones.
    • Impulse: Explain impulse (𝐽=𝐹Δ𝑡J=FΔt) as the change in momentum, observed when drones are stopped suddenly.
    • Real-world Analogy: Relate these concepts to car safety features like airbags, which increase the time over which the force acts, reducing the change in momentum more safely.

5. Investigate the Conservation of Energy in a Motor Vehicle Collision


  • Setup: Create a scenario where drones “collide” with a soft barrier (e.g., a pillow).
  • Experiment: Analyze the kinetic energy before and after the collision.
  • Learning Points:
    • Energy Transformation: Discuss how kinetic energy is converted to other forms of energy (sound, deformation, heat) during a collision.
    • Conservation of Energy: Highlight the principle of conservation of energy by analyzing where the kinetic energy of the drones goes during and after the collision.

6. Investigate Conditions that Illustrate the Effects of Friction on Motion


  • Setup: Fly drones over different surfaces (e.g., carpet, tile, grass).
  • Experiment: Observe and measure how the drone’s motion changes with different surfaces.
  • Learning Points:
    • Friction: Discuss how friction between the drone’s propellers and air, as well as the ground, affects its motion.
    • Practical Implications: Relate this to real-world scenarios, such as the importance of tire treads on vehicles.

Implementation Tips

  • Safety First: Ensure all drone activities are conducted in a safe environment with appropriate safety gear and supervision.
  • Interactive Learning: Encourage students to hypothesize, observe, and discuss results to reinforce the concepts.
  • Technology Integration: Use apps and sensors available with Tello drones to collect data, enhancing the learning experience with real-time analytics.

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