An Assessment Discussion
Today MVSD teaching staff had an opportunity to learn alongside Myrion Dueck to support our work in the area of outcome based assessment. This post will serve as a summary of my learning for the day:
Part 1: The Why
Like ships, we all need a rudder to help us imagine systems, policies, and practices for change.
Decide at a department/school/division-level of what a 1-4 looks like using the Manitoba scale
Things I see, hear, & read, continue to change my beliefs
A learning standard = verb + noun
- Verb: action, depth of thinking
- Noun: content knowledge
Part 2: The How
Let’s look closer at how we describe learning
There are various aspects of learning evidence and various aspects of quality
Incorporate student voice, choice, and community in learning and assessment
Start with verbs and use strength-based assessment language
Change is easier if we have tools for change
Comment on student learning by having a strength, stretch, and next step
Rubric design, as a team, for the team
Expectation of Environment
Students tuning out is rational, predictable, and healthy when:
- they think hey know it
- hey think they have no hope to learn it
- without background knowledge it makes no sense
- they do not see the value of the activity
Current performance -> feedback -> Desired goals
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