WOW Wednesday – Esports Coaching

WOW Wednesday – Esports Coaching

On Wednesdays I highlight some of our amazing MVSD staff on our social media pages. Everyday our staff are using tech in new and exciting ways, are learning new skills, and are sharing ways in which ed tech is assisting them in their practice.

WOW Wednesday – Esports Coaching. (2023). Uploaded by Kirsten Thompson. Available online at:

Last week was finished on a high-note as we had MVSD staff here at Division Office, and virtually, attending professional development in the area of esports. Jamie (DRCSS), Catlin (ORS), and Keirstin (Ethelbert) took part in the full-day Rocket League Coaching Clinic hosted by the Manitoba School Esports Association (MSEA) and the EDS Dragons out of Sunrise School Division.

This session saw participants in-person in Dugald, Manitoba and attending virtually: independently or through a collaboration hub like what we set up at our Division Office.

Topics for the clinic include Coaching, Game Play, Skills and Strategy, Physical and Mental Health, Program Development, and there will be plenty of resources. Whether you are brand new to Rocket League or a seasoned veteran, you will walk away with something new to bring to your students, your program, and your school community. You will leave with more information on how to register for the Manitoba School Esports Association Rocket League season beginning in October of 2023, get a chance to network, and connect with other esport coaches, and get and enough information and resources to build practices to cover the entire season regardless of your students’ skill level.

Thank you so much to our staff, and their admin team, for taking on this new topic and building time into your schedule to learn. We are so excited to be expanding our MVSD esports presence this year and look forward to offering more opportunities like this for our students!

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