WOW Wednesday – Brandi Graham

WOW Wednesday – Brandi Graham

On Wednesdays I highlight some of our amazing MVSD staff on our social media pages. Everyday our staff are using tech in new and exciting ways, are learning new skills, and are sharing ways in which ed tech is assisting them in their practice.

WOW Wednesday – Brandi Graham. (2023). Uploaded by Kirsten Thompson. Available online at:

Today I had an opportunity to sit down with our divisional Literacy Coach, Brandi Graham, to discuss AI.

This is our 3rd coaching session, building off the AI coaching model introduced in MVSD in the spring. Through June, Brandi had access to both a divisional introductory session on AI (hosted virtually for all participating schools) and then a school-specific follow-up session.

Following these meetings, Brandi moved into their new role as our MVSD Literacy Coach (*congrats!*) so we were really looking forward to sitting down to chat more about the role of Artificial Intelligence within this context. Brandi is a model for lifelong learning and is focused on not only increasing her understanding of AI for her professional use, but the impact AI can have on student and teacher literacy programming. Brandi joked that she walked away with, “way more tabs to bookmark” and we started preliminary discussions on AI PD models for our literacy teachers.

Thank you for all that you do Brandi!

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