WOW Wednesday – Bethany Brade
On Wednesdays I highlight some of our amazing MVSD staff on our social media pages. Everyday our staff are using tech in new and exciting ways, are learning new skills, and are sharing ways in which ed tech is assisting them in their practice.
A HUGE shout out to Bethany at Goose Lake High (GLH) who ran with the content they learned at our past mentorship PD and was quick to book a school visit for the GLH Grade 9 ICT classes.
I am so thankful that the invitation was extended to visit for the day this Tuesday so that I could work with both of the Grade 9 cohorts across a variety of topics. We were primarily Microsoft focused for this visit and had an opportunity to discuss and practice:
- the role of O365 in MVSD
- this was previously a heavy Google-population
- log-in tips/tricks
- navigation of O365
- brief overview of the program options
- file sharing and cloud-based storage
- microsoft learning tools
- email netiquette
With this introduction under their belts, the class is now kicking off a longer-term Microsoft unit that will deep-dive into a variety of programs within our O365 suite. This crew will have all the O365 tech skills they need as they start off their high school journey; way to go!